Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/780

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101 STAT. 1329-437
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1329-437

101 STAT. 1329-437


SEC. 111. (a) There are hereby transferred to the President $8,600,000 of unobligated funds, from such accounts for which appropriations were made by Department of Defense appropriations Acts for the fiscsil year 1987 or prior years, as the President shall designate, to provide humanitarian assistance to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance consistent with this section, to remain available through February 29, 1988. President of U.S. (b)(l) The President is authorized to transfer or reprogram $4,500,000 of unobligated funds from such accounts for which appropriations were made by Department of Defense appropriations Acts for the fiscal year 1987 or prior fiscal years, as the President shall designate, to provide transportation of humanitarian and other assistance previously, specifically authorized by law to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance, to remain available through February 29, 1988. (2)(A) Transportation under paragraph (1) for lethal assistance previously authorized by law shall be suspended on January 12, 1988 and shall resume thereafter only if, after January 18, 1988, the President determines and certifies to the Congress that: (i) at the time of such certification no ceasefire is in place that was agreed to by the Government of Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan democratic resistance; (ii) the failure to achieve the ceasefire described in subpara, graph (A)(i) results from the lack of good faith efforts by the Government of Nicaragua to achieve such a ceasefire; and fc.? ' / (iii) the Nicaraguan democratic resistance has engaged in good faith efforts to achieve the ceasefire described in subparagraph (A)(i). (B) Transportation under paragraph (1) for lethal assistance previously authorized by law shall be suspended during any period in which there is in place a ceasefire described in subparagraph (A)(i), except to the extent, if any, permitted by the agreement governing such ceasefire. (c)(1) The Department of Defense shall, through February 29, 1988, make available to the department or agency administering this section passive air defense equipment to ensure the safety of transportetion provided pursuant to this section. (2) The Department of Defense shall not charge the department or agency receiving equipment under paragraph (1) for such equipment, and shall bear the risk of loss, damage or deterioration of such equipment during the period of its use under the authority of paragraph (1). President of U.S. (d)(l) The President is authorized to transfer unobligated funds from such accounts for which appropriations were made by Department of Defense appropriations Acts for the fiscal year 1987 or prior fiscal years, as the President shall designate, solely for the indemnification through February 29, 1988, of aircraft leased after the date of enactment of this ioint resolution to carry out subsection (b). (2) On March 1, 1988, the President shall transfer the balance, if any, remaining of funds transferred under paragraph (1) to the accounts from which such funds were transferred under paragraph M,,h'.v^--r:,^-


(e) As used in this section, the term "humanitarian assistance" means only food, clothing, shelter, medical services, medical supplies, and payment for such items.