Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/231

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-297—APR. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 193

activities, and the detection and resolution of problems of local noncompliance. "SEC. 1437. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR EVALUATION AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.

20 USC 2837.

"There are authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of sections 1435 and 1436 for other Federal evaluation, technical assistance, and research activities related to this chapter, and authorized studies under this chapter, $4,000,000 for the fiscal year 1989, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1990 through 1993. "SEC. 1438. APPLICATION OF GENERAL EDUCATION PROVISIONS ACT.

"(a) GENERAL RULE.—Except as otherwise specifically provided by this section, the General Education Provisions Act shall apply to the programs authorized by this chapter. "(b) SuPERCESSiON RULE.—The following provisions of the General Education Provisions Act shall be superseded by the specified provisions of this chapter with respect to the programs authorized by this subtitle: "(1) Section 408(a)(1) of the General Education Provisions Act is superseded by section 1431 of this chapter. "(2) Section 426(a) of such Act is superseded by section 1437 of this chapter. "(3) Section 427 of such Act is superseded by section 1016 of this chapter. "(4) Section 430 of such Act is superseded by sections 1012, 1056, 1104(b), 1125, 1202(a), and 1224 of this chapter. "(5) Section 455 of such Act is superseded by section 1433 of this chapter. "(6) Section 458 of such Act is superseded by section 1434 of this chapter with respect to judicial review of withholding of payments. "(c) EXCLUSION RULE.—Sections 434, 435, and 436 of the General Education Provisions Act, except to the extent that such sections relate to fiscal control and fund accounting procedures, shall not apply to the programs authorized by this chapter and shall not be construed to authorize the Secretary to require any reports or take any actions not specifically authorized by this chapter. "SEC. 1439. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON MIGRANT EDUCATION.

"(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established, as an independent agency within the executive branch, a National Commission on Migrant Education (referred to in this section as the 'Commission'). "(b) MEMBERSHIP.—

"(1) The Commission shall be composed of 12 members. Four of the members shall be appointed by the President. Four of the members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House, including 2 Members of the House, 1 from each political party. Four of the members shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, including 2 Members of the Senate, 1 from each political party. "(2) The chairman shall be designated by the President from among the members appointed by the President. If the President has not appointed 4 members of the Commission and designated a chairman within 60 days of the enactment of this Act, the members of the Commission appointed by the Speaker

20 USC 2838.


20 USC l22le-3. 20 USC I23lc. 20 USC I23ld. 20 USC 123lg. 20 USC 1234d. 20 USC I234g.

20 USC 2839.