Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/415

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-485—OCT. 13, 1988

102 STAT. 2367

"(3) The State agency shall provide coordination among a community work experience program operated pursuant to this subsection, any program of job search under subsection (g), and the other employment-related activities under the program established by this section so as to insure that job placement will have priority over participation in the community work experience program, and that individuals eligible to participate in more than one such program are not denied aid to families with dependent children on the grounds of failure to participate in one such program if they are actively and satisfactorily participating in another. The State agency may provide that part-time participation in more than one such program may be required where appropriate. "(4) In the case of any State that makes expenditures in the form described in paragraph (1) under its State plan approved under section 482(a)(l), expenditures for the operation and administration of the program under this section may not include, for purposes of section 403, the cost of making or acquiring materials or equipment in connection with the work performed under a program referred to in paragraph (1) or the cost of supervision of work under such program, and may include only such other costs attributable to such progrgims as are permitted by the Secretary. " ^) J O B SEARCH PROGRAM.—(1) The State agency may establish and carry out a program of job search for individuals participating in the program under this part. "(2) Notwithstanding section 402(a)(19XBXi), the State agency may require job search by an individual applying for or receiving aid to families with dependent children (other than an individual described in section 402(a)(19XC) who is not an individual with respect to whom section 402(a)(19XD) applies)— "(A) subject to the next to last sentence of this pargigraph, beginning at the time such individual applies for aid to families with dependent children and continuing for a period (prescribed by the State) of not more than 8 weeks (but this requirement may not be used as a reason for any delay in making a determination of an individual's eligibility for such aid or in issuing a payment to or on behalf of any individual who is otherwise eligible for such aid); and "(B) at such time or times after the close of the period prescribed under subparagraph (A) as the State agency may determine but not to exceed a total of 8 weeks in any period of 12 consecutive months. In no event may an individual be required to participate in job search for more than 3 weeks before the State agency conducts the assessment and review with respect to such individual under subsection (b)(l)(A). Job search activities in addition to those required under the preceding provisions of this paragraph may be required only in combination with some other education, training, or employment activity which is designed to improve the individual's prospects for employment. "(3) Job search by an individual under this subsection shall in no event be treated, for any purpose, as an activity under the program if the individual has participated in such job search for 4 months out of the preceding 12 months. "(h) DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES.—Each State shall establish a conciliation procedure for the resolution of disputes involving an individual's participation in the program and (if the dispute involved is not resolved through conciliation) shall provide an oppor-