Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/733

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-532—OCT. 25, 1988

102 STAT. 2685

"(1) Effect of change of labeling or formulation. ^r*'V. P "(2) Registration not a defense. "(3) Authority to consult other Federal agencies. 'Sec. 4. Reregistration of registered pesticides, "(a) General rule. "(b) Reregistration phases. "(c) Phase one. "(1) Priority for reregistration. "(2) Reregistration lists. "(3) Judicial review. "(4) Notice to registrants. "(d) Phase two. "(1) In general. "(2) Notice of intent to seek or not to seek reregistration. "(3) Missing or inadequate data. "(4) Time periods. "(5) Cancellation and removal. "(6) Suspensions and penalties. "(e) Phsise three. "(1) Information about studies. "(2) Time periods. "(3) Cancellation. "(4) Guidelines. "(5) Monitoring. "(f) Phase four. "(1) Independent review and identification of outstanding data requirements. "(2) Time periods. "(3) Suspensions and penalties. "(g) Phase five. "(1) Data review. "(2) Reregistration and other actions. "(h) Compensation of data submitter. "(i)Fees. "(1) Initial fee for food or feed use pesticide active ingredients. "(2) Final fee for food or feed use pesticide active ingredients. "(3) Fees for other pesticide active ingredients. "(4) Reduction or waiver of fees for minor use and other pesticides. "(5) Maintenance fee. "(6) Other fees. "(7) Apportionment, "(j) Exemption of certain registrants. "(k) Reregistration and expedited processing fund. "(1) Establishment. "(2) Source and use. "(3) Expedited processing of similar applications. "(4) Unused funds. "(5) Accounting. "(1) Judicial review. "Sec. 5. Experimental use permits. "(a) Issuance. "(b) Temporary tolerance level. "(c) Use under permit. "(d) Studies. "(e) Revocation. "(f) State issuance of permits. "(g) Exemption for agricultural research agencies. "Sec. 6. Administrative review; suspension, "(a) Cancellation after five years. "(1) Procedure. "(2) Information. "(b) Cancellation and change in classification or labels. "(c) Suspension. "(1) Order. "(2) Expedite hearing. "(3) Emergency order. "(4) Judicial review. "(d) Public hearings and scientific review. "(e) Conditional registration. "(f) General provisions. "(1) Voluntary cancellation. "(2) Publication of notice.