Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 4.djvu/124

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 3094

Public information.

42 USC

300ee-12. Public information.

Public information. Research and development.

Health care professionals. Education.

Grants. Education.

PUBLIC LAW 100-607—NOV. 4, 1988

make payments each such fiscal year to each State from the allotment for the State if the Secretary approves for the fiscal year involved an application submitted by the State pursuant to section 2503. "(b) PusFOSB OF GRANTS.—The Secretary may not make payments under subsection (a) for a fiscal year unless the State involved agrees to expend the payments only for the purpose of carrying out, in accordance with section 2502, public information activities with respect to acquired immune deficiency syndrome. "SEC 2502. PROVISIONS WITH RESPECT TO CARRYING OUT PURPOSE OF GRANTS.

"A State may expend payments received under section 2501(a)— "(1) to develop, establish, and conduct public information activities relating to the prevention and diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome for those populations or communities in the State in which there are a significant number of individuals at risk of infection with the etiologic agent for such s3mdrome; "(2) to develop, establish, and conduct such public information activities for the general public relating to the prevention and diagnosis of such syndrome; "(3) to develop, establish, and conduct activities to reduce risks relating to such syndroine, including research into the prevention of such syndrome; "(4) to conduct demonstration projects for the prevention of such syndrome; ^'(5) to provide technical assistance to public entities, to nonprofit private entities concerned with such syndrome, to schools, and to employers, for the purpose of developing information programs relating to such syndrome; "(6) with respect to education and training programs for the prevention of such syndrome, to conduct such programs for health professionals (including allied health professionals), public safety workers (including emergency response employees), teachers, school administrators, and other appropriate education personnel; "(7) to conduct appropriate programs for educating schoolaged children with respect to such syndrome, after consulting with local school boards; "(8) to make available to physicians and dentists in the State information with respect to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, including measures for the prevention of exposure to, and the transmission of, the etiologic agent for such syndrome (which information is updated not less than annually with the most recently available scientific date relating to such syndrome); "(9) to carry out the initial implementation of recommendations contained in the guidelines and the model curriculum developed under section 2525; and "(10) to make grants to public entities, and to nonprofit private entities concerned with acquired immune deficiency ssjmdrome, for the purpose of the development, establishment, and expansion of prt^rams for education directed toward individuals at increased risk of infection with the etiol<^c agent for such syndrome and activities to reduce the risks of exposure to such etiologic agent, with preference to programs directed