Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 4.djvu/869

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-654—NOV. 14, 1988

102 STAT. 3839

reimbursement is payable under this chapter or the amount of any such payment or reimbursement; the Office may, in addition to any other penalties that may be prescribed by law, and after consultation with the Attorney General, impose a civil monetary penalty of not more than $10,000 for any item or service involved. In addition, such a provider shall be subject to an assessment of not more than twice the amount claimed for each such item or service. In addition, the Office may make a determination in the same proceeding to bar such provider from participating in the program under this chapter. "(d) The Office— "(1) may not initiate any debarment proceeding against a provider, based on such provider's having been convicted of a criminal offense, later than 6 years after the date on which such provider is so convicted; and "(2) may not initiate any action relating to a civil penalty. Claims. assessment, or debarment under this section, in connection with any claim, later than 6 years after the date the claim is presented, as determined under regulations prescribed by the Office. "(e) In making a determination relating to the appropriateness of Claims. imposing or the period of any debarment under this section, or the appropriateness of imposing or the amount of any civil penalty or assessment under this section, the Office shall take into account— "(1) the nature of any claims involved and the circumstances under which they were presented; "(2) the degree of culpability, history of prior offenses or improper conduct of the provider involved; and "(3) such other matters as justice may require. "(fKl) The debarment of a provider under suteection (b) or (c) shall be effective at such time and upon such reasonable notice to such provider, and to carriers and covered individuals, as may be specified in regulations prescribed by the Office. "(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a debarment shall be effective with respect to any health care services or supplies furnished by a provider on or after the effective date of such provider's debarment. "(B) A debarment shall not apply with respect to inpatient institutional services furnished to an individual who was admitted to the institution before the date the debarment would otherwise become effective until the passage of 30 days after such date, unless the Office determines that the health or safety of the individual receiving those services warrants that a shorter period, or that no such period, be afforded. "(3) Any notice referred to in paragraph (1) shall specify the date as of which debarment becomes effective and the minimum period of time for which such debarment is to remain effective. "(4)(A) A provider barred from participating in the program under this chapter may, after the expiration of the minimum period of debarment referred to in paragraph (3), apply to the Office, in such manner as the Office may by regulation prescribe, for termination of the debarment. "(B) The Office may— "(i) terminate the debarment of a provider, pursuant to an application filed by such provider after the end of the minimum debarment period, if the Office determines, based on the conduct of the applicant, that—