Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/202

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4208

PUBLIC LAW 100-690—NOV. 18, 1988

"(I) the extent of alcohol and drug abuse among high school students and among the general population; and "(J) the number of alcohol and drug abuse counselors and other substance abuse treatment personnel employed in public and private treatment facilities. "(2) Annual surveys shall be carried out in the collection of data under this section. Summaries and analyses of the data collected shall be made available to the public. "(d) After consultation with the States and with appropriate national organizations, the Administrator shall develop uniform criteria for the collection of data, using the best available technology, pursuant to this section.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 1917 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-5) is amended by striking subsection (d). SEC. 2053. REDUCTION OF WAITING PERIOD FOR DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT.

Part A of title V of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290aa et seq.), as amended by section 2052 of this chapter, is further amended by adding at the end the following new section: "REDUCTION OF WAITING PERIOD FOR DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT

Grants. 290aa-i2

"SEC. 509E. (a) The Secretary, acting through the Administrator, ^ ^ ^ make grants to public and nonprofit private entities for the purpose of reducing the waiting list of public and nonprofit private programs providing treatment services for drug abuse. "(b) The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the applicant for the grant— "(1) is experienced in the delivery of treatment services for drug abuse; "(2) is, on the date the application is submitted, successfully carrying out a program for the delivery of such services approved by the State; "(3) as a result of the number of requests for admission into the program, is unable to admit any individual into the program any earlier than one month after the date on which the individual makes a request for such admission; and "(4) provides assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that, after funding is no longer available under this section, the applicant will have access to financial resources sufficient to continue the program. "(c) The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the applicsuit for the grant agrees that the payments will not be expended— "(1) to provide inpatient hospital services; "(2) to make cash payments to intended recipients of services under the program involved; "(3) to purchase or improve real property (other than minor remodeling of existing improvements to real property) or to purchase major medical equipment; "(4) to satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of nonFederal funds as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds; or "(5) to provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity. "(d) The Secretary may not make more than one grant under subsection (a) for any program of treatment services for drug abuse.