Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/582

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4588

PUBLIC LAW 100-696—NOV. 18, 1988

(A) the InterTribal Council of Arizona, concerning the form of the Trust Fund Payment to the Arizona InterTribal Trust Fund; and (B) the governing body of the Navajo Tribe, concerning the form of the Trust Fund Payment to the Navajo Trust Fund. (4) If the Secretary elects to receive a Trust Fund Payment in the form of annual payments under subsection (c)(2), the Secretary is directed to execute the Trust Fund Payment Agreement pursuant to which such annual payments will be made. (5) The interest rate to be used in determining the interest due on annual Trust Fund Pa3niients payable by the purchaser shall be the interest rate being offered on bonds payable in 30 years sold by the United States on the date that notice of the election of the form of the Trust Fund Payment is made by the Secretary plus 0.25 percent, except that in no event shall such interest rate be lower than 8.5 percent or higher than 9.0 percent. (6) Closing of the Land Exchange or the Purchase Transaction shall occur no sooner than 90 days after notice of the Secretary's election is provided to the Purchaser, except that if the Secretary elects to receive a Trust Fund Payment in the form of annual payments under subsection (c)(2), closing of the Land Exchange or the Purchsise Transaction shall not occur unless a Trust Fund Payment Agreement has been executed. (d) CASH PROCEEDS.—Any cash proceeds to the United States from the sale of land within the School Property offered to and accepted by the City or the Purchsiser subsequent to closing of the Land Exchange or the Purchase Transaction shall be in the form of a lump sum payment, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, payable to the United States for deposit into the Arizona InterTribal Trust Fund and the Navajo Trust Fund pursuant to section 405 of this title. CLOSURE OF THE PHOENIX INDIAN HIGH SCHOOL

SEC. 404. (a) CLOSURE.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall close the Phoenix Indian High School on a date determined by the Secretary, which date shall be no earlier than June 1, 1990, and no later than September 1, 1990. Oa) NOTICE.—By January 30, 1990, the Secretary shall notify the tribal governing body of each Arizona Tribe affected by the closing of the Phoenix Indian High School and each person, or parent or guardian of each person, enrolled as a student at the Phoenix Indian High School on January 1, 1991, of the date of closing of the Phoenix Indian High School as determined by the Secretary under subsection (a). (c) INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLANS.—(1) Beginning January 30, 1990, but in no case later than March 1, 1990, the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, shall— (A) identify each eligible Indian student who is enrolled or preenroUed for attendance at the Phoenix Indian High School, as of the date of enactment of this title, or who attended the Phoenix Indian High School during the academic year 1988-89, and who did not graduate from a secondary program, and shall— (i) contact each student, or the parents or guardians of record of each such student.