Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/603

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-696—NOV. 18, 1988

102 STAT. 4609

chitect of the Capitol shall provide to the Commission such staff support and assistance as the Commission may request. AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION TO ACCEPT GIFTS AND CONDUCT OTHER TRANSACTIONS RELATING TO WORKS OF FINE ART AND OTHER PROPERTY

SEC. 802. (a) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out the purposes referred 40 USC I88a-l. to in section 801(a) the Commission is authorized— (1) to accept gifts of works of fine art, gifts of other property, and gifts of money; and (2) to acquire property, administer property, dispose of property, and conduct other transactions related to such purposes. O> TRANSFER AND DISPOSITION OF WORKS OF FINE ART AND OTHER t)

PROPERTY.—The Commission shall, with respect to works of fine art and other property received by the Commission— (1) upon agreement with the Joint Committee on the Library, the Senate Commission on Art, or the House of Representatives Fine Arts Board, as the case may be, transfer such property to the entity with which the agreement is made; (2) if a transfer described in paragraph (1) is not appropriate, dispose of the work of fine art by sale or other transaction; and (3) in the case of property that is not directly related to the purposes referred to in section 801(a), dispose of such property by sale or other transaction. (c) REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDUCT OF TRANSACTIONS.—In conducting transactions under this section, the Commission shall— (1) accept money only in the form of a check or similar instrument made payable to the Treasury of the United States and shall deposit any such check or instrument in accordance with section 803; (2) in making sales and engaging in other property transactions, take into consideration market conditions and other relevant factors; and (3) assure that each transaction is directly related to the purposes referred to in section 801(a). CAPITOL PRESERVATION FUND

SEC. 803. (a) IN GENERAL.—There is established in the Treasury a 40 USC i88a-2. fund, to be known as the "Capitol Preservation Fund" (hereafter in this title referred to as the "fund"), which shall consist of (1) amounts deposited, and interest and proceeds credited, under subsection (d), (2) obligations obtained under subsection (e), and (3) all surcharges received by the Secretary of the Treasury from the sale of coins minted under the Bicentennial of the United States Congress Commemorative Coin Act, (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUND.—The fund shall be available to the Commission subject to the approval, except for the purchase of fine art and antiques, of the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively— (1) for payment of transaction costs and similar expenses incurred under section 802; (2) for improvement and preservation projects for the United States Capitol; (3) for disbursement with respect to works of fine art and other property as provided in section 802; and