Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/794

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4800

PUBLIC LAW 100-713—NOV. 23, 1988

amount of the retention bonus for the period covered by the agreement, plus interest as determined by the Secretary in acconkince with section 108aX2XB). "(e) There are authorized to be appropriated $3,200,000 for each of the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992 to carry out the provisions of this section.". REFOBT ON RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION

25 USC 1611 note.

SEC. 110. (a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish an advisory panel composed of— (1) 10 physicians or ouier health professionals who are employees o^ or assigned to, the Indian Health Service, (2) 3 representatives of tribal health boards, and (3) 1 representative of an urban health care organization. 0 > The advisory panel established under subsection (a) shall 1) conduct an investigation of— (1) the administrative policies and r^ulatory procedures which impede the recruitment or retention of physicians and other health professionals by the Indian Health Service, and (2) the regulatory changes necessary to establish pay grades for health professionals employed by, or assigned to, the Service that correspond to the pay grades established for positions provided under sections 4103 and 4104 of title 38, United States Code, and the costs associated with establishing such pay grades. (c) By no later than the date that is 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the advisory panel established under subsection (a) shall submit to the Congress a report on the investigation conducted under subsection 01>), tc^ether with any recommendations for administrative or legislative changes in existing law, practices, or procedures. TITLE n—HEALTH SERVICES IMPROVEBfENT OF INDIAN HEALTH STATUS

SEC. 201. (a) Section 201 (25 U.S.C. 1621) is amended to read as follows: "IMPROVEBCENT OF INDIAN HEALTH STATUS

"SEC. 201. (a) The Secretary is authorized to expend funds which are appropriated under the authority of subsection (h), through the Service, for the purposes of— "(1) raising the health status of Indians to zero deficiency, "(2) eliminating backlogs in the provision of health care services to Indians, "(3) meeting the health needs of Indians in an efficient and equitable manner, and "(4) augmenting the ability of the Service to meet the following health service responsibilities with respect to those Indian tribes with the h i g h ^ levels of health resources deficiency: "(A) clinical care (direct and indirect) including clinical eye and vision care; "(B) preventive health; "(C) dental care (direct and indirect); "(D) mental health, including community mental health services, inpatient mental health services, dormitory mental health services, therapeutic and residential