Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/802

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4808


PUBLIC LAW 100-713—NOV. 23, 1988

"(2) The Secretary shall enter into a contract with a Native Hawaiian organization for the purpose of preparing an inventory of all health care programs (public and private) within the State of Hawaii that are available for the treatment, prevention, or control of diabetes among Native Hawaiians. "(3) By no later than the date that is two years after the date of enactment of this section, the Native Hawaiian organization with whom the Secretary has entered into a contract, shall prepare and transmit to the Secretary a report describing the determinations made under paragraph (1), containing the inventory prepared under paragraph (2), and describing the research activities conducted under this subsection. The Secretary shall submit the report to the Congress and the President. "(c)(1) By no later than the date that is three years after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall enter into a contract with a Native Hawaiian organization for the purpose of implementing a program designed— "(A) to establish a diabetes control program; "(B) to screen those Native Hawaiian individuals that have been identified as having a high risk of becoming diabetic; "(C) to effectively treat— "(i) individuals diagnosed as diabetics in order to reduce further complications from diabetes, "(ii) individuals who have a high risk of becoming diabetic in order to reduce the incidence of diabetes, and "(iii) short- and long-term complications of diabetes; "(D) to conduct for Federal, State, and other Native Hawaiian health care providers (including Native Hawaiian community health outreach workers), training programs concerning current methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes and related complications among Native Hawaiians; "(E) to determine the appropriate delivery to Native Hawaiians of health care services relating to diabetes; "(F) to develop and present health education information to Native Hawaiian communities and schools concerning the prevention, treatment, and control of diabetes; and "(G) to ensure that proper continuing health care is provided to Native Hawaiians who are diagnosed as being diabetic. "(2) The Secretary shall enter into a contract with a Native Hawaiian organization for the purpose of— "(A) promoting coordination and cooperation between all health care providers in the delivery of diabetes related services to Native Hawaiians; and "(B) encouraging and funding joint projects between Federal programs, State health care facilities, community health centers, and Native Hawaiian communities for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. "(3)(A) The Secretary shall enter into a contract with a Native Hawaiian organization for the purpose of establishing a model diabetes program to serve Native Hawaiians in the State of Hawaii. "(B) The Secretary shall enter into a contract with a Native Hawaiian organization for the purpose of developing and implementing an outreach program to ensure that the achievements and benefits derived from the activities of the model diabetes program established under subparagraph (A) are applied in Native Hawaiian communities to assure the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diabetes among Native Hawaiians.