Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/93

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-685—NOV. 17, 1988

102 STAT. 4099

Act, a Ift-year strategic plan for the comprehensive modernization of the National Weather Service. The strategic plan shall set forth basic service improvement objectives of the modernization as well as the critical new technological components and the associated operational changes necessary to fulfill the objectives of weather and flood warning service improvements. (b) The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the Congress, by the b a n n i n g of the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year in wUch the s t r a t ^ c plan required by subsection (a) of this section is submitted, a National Implementation Plan for modernization of the National Weather Service. The National Implementation Plan shall set forth the schedules for necessary actions to accomplish the objectives described in the s t r a t ^ c plan, and the National Implementation Plan shall include— (1) detailed requirements for new technologies, facilities, staffing levels, and funding, for each of the two fiscal years immediately following the fiscal year in which such National Implementation Plan is submitted, in accordance with the overaU schedule for modernization; (2) spedal measures to test, evaluate, and demonstrate key elements of the Modernized National Weather Service operations prior to national implementation, including a multistation operational demonstration which tests the performance of all components of the modernization in an int^rated manner for a sustained period; and (3) detailed plans and funding for meteorolo^cal research to be accomplished under this title to assure that new techniques in forecasting will be developed to utilize the new technol<^es being implemented in the modernization. (c) The Secretary shall submit a revised National Implementation Plan to the Congress at the b a n n i n g of each successive fiscal year after the fiscal year in which the initial National Implementation Plan is submittcxL (d) In reviewing and revising the National Implementation Plan, the Secretary shall consult, as appropriate, with other Federal and public agencies responsible for providing or utilizing weather services. SHC. 408. (a) The Secretary shall not close, consolidate, automate, 15 USC 313 note. or relocate any Weather Service Office or Weather Service Forecast Office pursuant to the implementation of the s t r a t ^ c plan required by section 407, except in accordance with this section. (b) The Secretary may not close, consolidate, automate, or relocate any such office unless the Secretary has certified to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives that such action will not result in any degradation of weather services provided to the affected area. Such certification shall include— (1) a detailed comparison of the services provided to the affected area and the services to be provided after such action; (2) any recent or expected modernization of National Weather Service operations which will enhance services in the affected area; and (3) evidence, based upon operational demonstration of modernized National Weather Service operations, which supports the conclusion that no d^radation in services will result from such action.