Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/157

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PUBLIC LAW 101-45—JUNE 30, 1989 103 STAT. 129 jurisdiction, the Secretary shall issue that jurisdiction a waiver of the procedures required in section 6(k) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, 42 U.S.C. 1437d(k), for evictions involving drug-related criminal activity which threatens the health and safety of other tenants of public housing authority employees as long as evictions of a household member involved in drug-related criminal activity shall not affect the right of any other household member who is not involved in such activity to continue tenancy. (c) Within 60 days of completion of the review mandated by Reports. subsection (a), the Secretary shall report to Congress the findings of the review including all waivers grsinted in accordance with subsec- tion (b). SEC. 405. SENSE OF THE SENATE REGARDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW ADMINISTRATOR OF THE PANAMA CANAL COMMISSION. —It is the sense of the Senate that the President should not appoint a new Administrator of the Panama Canal Commission unless and until he certifies to Congress that the ruling government of Panama is democratically elected according to procedures specified in the Con- stitution of Panama providing for a civilian government in control of all Panamanian mUitary and paramilitary forces. SEC. 406. RESTORATION OF EASTERN AIRLINES. — (a) FINDINGS. — The Senate finds that— (1) the operations of Eastern Airlines have been substan- tially shut down since March 4, 1989, by a strike by the International Association of Machinists with the support of pilots and flight attendant unions; (2) Eastern Airlines filed a petition under chapter 11 of 1 title 11, United States Code, on March 9, 1989; (3) Texas Air Corporation, which controls EJastem Air- lines, had negotiated for the sale of Eastern; (4) the organized employees of Eastern had agreed to provide a potential new owner with substantial wage concessions; (5) the deregulation of the airline industry by Congress - was predicated on the anticipated continued existence of strong, independent airlines, such as Eastern Airlines; (6) the Bankruptcy Court has the power to appoint an independent trustee to manage Eastern's return to oper- ation during the interim period, leading up to the con- summation of the sale agreement and transfer of control to a potential owner; and (7) the return of Eastern Airlines to full operation is in the public interest and in the best interest of the creditors, employees, and customers of Eastern as well as the econo- mies of the communities. States and regions of the United States that Eastern serves. Qy) SENSE OF SENATE. —I t is the sense of the Senate that the Bankruptcy Court and all involved parties should facilitate the prompt and safe restoration of Eastern Airlines to full oper- ations through all appropriate action, which may or may not include appointment of an independent trustee, pending sale of the company. SEC. 407. RESPONSIBILITY FOR NUCLEAR, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, AND MISSILE NONPROLIFERATION.— (a) RESPONSIBILITIES.— The responsibilities of the Under Sec- retary of State for Coordinating Security Assistance Policy shall include—