Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/246

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103 STAT. 218 PUBLIC LAW 101-73 —AUG. 9, 1989 any such depository institution is necessary to determine the condition of such depository institution for insurance purposes. ^^ "(4) EXAMINATION OF AFFIUATES. — '*'^**' "(A) IN GENERAL. — In making any examination under paragraph (2) or (3), any examiner appointed under para- ^^ graph (1) shall have power, on behalf of the Corporation, to '

make such examinations of the affairs of any affiliate of any insured depository institution as may be necessary to disclose fully— "(i) the relationship between such insured depository institution and any such affiliate; and "(ii) the effect of such relationship on the insured depository institution. "(B) COMMITMENT BY FOREIGN BANKS TO ALLOW EXAMINA- TIONS OF AFFIUATES. — No branch or depository institution subsidiary of a foreign bank may become an insured deposi- tory institution unless such foreign bank submits a written binding commitment to the Board of Directors to permit ^' any examination of any affiliate of such branch or deposi- tory institution subsidiary pursuant to subparagraph (A) to the extent determined by the Board of Directors to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. " (5) POWER AND DUTY OF EXAMINERS.—Each examiner ap- pointed under paragraph (1) shall— "(A) have power to make a thorough examination of any insured depository institution or affiliate under paragraph (2), (3), or (4); and Reports. f' "(B) shall make a full and detailed report of condition of any insured depository institution or affiliate examined to the Corporation. " (6) POWER OF CLAIM AGENTS.— Each claim agent appointed under paragraph (1) shall have power to investigate and exam- ine all claims for insured deposits.", (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (1) Section 10(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1820(c)) is amended by striking out ", State nonmember banks or other institutions" and inserting in lieu thereof "and any State nonmember bank, savings association, or other institution". (2) Section 10 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1820) is amended by striking out subsection (d). SEC. 211. INSURANCE FUNDS. ,*. Section 11(a) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. / 1821(a)) is amended— (1) by striking out paragraph (1) and inserting the following: "(1) The Corporation shall insure the deposits of all insured depository institutions as provided in this Act. The maximum amount of the insured deposit of any depositor shall be $100,000."; (2) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking out "time and savings"; and (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs: "(4) GENERAL PROVISION RELATING TO FUNDS. —The Bank Insurance Fund established under paragraph (5) and the Sav- ings Association Insurance Fund established under paragraph (6) shall each be— "(A) maintained and administered by the Corporation;