Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/593

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PUBLIC LAW 101-82—AUG. 14, 1989 103 STAT. 565 TITLE III—DISASTER CREDIT AND FORBEARANCE Sec. 301. Emergency loans. Sec. 302. 1990 farm operating loans. Sec. 303. FmHA loans made to Indian tribes. TITLE IV—RURAL BUSINESSES Sec. 401. Disaster assistance for rural business enterprises. TITLE V—WATER-RELATED ASSISTANCE Sec. 501. Emergency community water assistance grant program. Sec. 502. Livestock water assistance. Sec. 503. Disaster assistance for watershed protection activities. TITLE VI—GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 601. Shrinkage allowance for peanuts. Sec. 602. Advanced deficiency repayment deadline for 1988 crops. Sec. 603. Planting of alternate crops on permitted acreage. Sec. 604. Crop insurance yield coverage. TITLE I—EMERGENCY CROP LOSS i use 1421 note ASSISTANCE Subtitle A—Annual Crops SEC. 101. PAYMENTS TO PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS FOR TARGET PRICE COMMODITIES. (a) DISASTER PAYMENTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Effective only for producers on a farm who elected to participate in the production adjustment program established under the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1421 et seq.) for the 1989 crop of wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, extra long staple cotton, or rice, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if the Secretary of Agriculture determines that, because of damaging weather or related condition in 1988 or 1989, the total quantity of the 1989 crop of the commodity that such producers are able to harvest on the farm is less than the result of multiplying 60 percent (or, in the case of producers who obtained crop insurance for the 1989 crop of the commodity under the Federgd Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), 65 percent) of the farm program payment jdeld established by the Secretary for such crop by the sum of the acreage planted for harvest and the acreage prevented from being planted (because of a natural disaster, as determined by the Secretary) for such crop, the Secretary shall make a disaster payment available to such producers at a rate equal to 65 percent of the established price for the crop for any deficiericy in production greater than 40 percent (or, in the case of producers who obtained crop insurance for the 1989 crop of the commodity under the Federal Crop Insurance Act, 35 percent) for the crop. (2) LlMFTATIONS.— (A) ACREAGE IN EXCESS OF PERMITTED ACREAGE. —Pay- ments provided under paragraph (1) for a crop of a commod- ity may not be made avsdlable to producers on a farm with respect to any acreage in excess of the permitted acreage for the farm for the commodity. (B) CROP INSURANCE.— Payments provided under para- graph (1) for a crop of a commodity may not be made