Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/625

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PUBLIC LAW 101-89 -AUG. 16, 1989 103 STAT. 597 Public Law 101-89 101st Congress Joint Resolution Aug. 16, 1989 Designating September 1989 as National Library Card Sign-Up Month. FH T Res 2311 Whereas American libraries of all kinds (public libraries, school library media centers, academic and research libraries, and spe- cial libraries) are essential to national literacy, lifelong learning, and a productive economy; Whereas children who are read to in their homes at an early age and who grow up regularly using libraries perform better in school and are more likely to continue to be library users as adults; Whereas the United States National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and the American Library Association have launched a national campaign to ensure that every school-age child in the Nation will have, and will be encouraged to use, a library card; Whereas a library card cannot be outgrown and is good for a lifetime of learning and enjoyment; Whereas parents and schools are important partners in the effort to give the wonderful gift of a library card to every child in the Nation; and Whereas a library card is an essential resource for every child's education and September is the month during which children return to school: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That September 1989 is designated as "National Library Card Sign-Up Month", and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the libraries, schools, and people of the United States to observe such month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. Approved August 16, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.J. Res. 231: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Aug. 3, considered and passed House. Aug. 4, considered and passed Senate.