Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/710

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103 STAT. 682 PUBLIC LAW 101-110—OCT. 6, 1989 Public Law 101-110 101st Congress An Act Oct. 6, 1989 [S. 1709] Government organization and employees. 38 USC 620B note. 38 USC 612 note. 5 USC 6302 note. 38 USC 1829 note. 38 USC 5033 note. 38 USC 620B note. To provide interim extensions of Department of Veterans Affairs pr(^rams of respite care for certain veterans, community-based residential care for homeless, chron- ically mentally ill veterans. State home construction grants, and leave transfers for certain health-care professionals, and of Department of Veterans Affairs home-loan fees. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. EXTENSIONS OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS HEALTH-CARE PROGRAMS. (a) RESPITE CARE. — Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of section 620B of title 38, United States Code, the authority provided by such section shall terminate on November 30, 1989. (b) COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL CARE FOR HOMELESS, CHRON- ICALLY MENTALLY III VETERANS. — Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) of section 115 of the Veterans Benefits and Services Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-322), the authority for the pilot pro- gram authorized by such section shall expire on November 30, 1989. (c) STATE HOME CONSTRUCTION GRANTS.—Section 5033(a) of title 38, United States Code, is amended in the first sentence by striking out "1989" and inserting in lieu thereof "1990". (d) LEAVE TRANSFERS.—The authority of the Department of Veter- ans Affairs under section 618 of the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1989 (Public Law 100-440) to operate a leave-transfer progrsun for employees subject to section 4108 of title 38, United States Code, is extended through November 30, 1989. The provisions of the final sentence of such section 618 shall apply to transferred leave that is unused as of November 30, 1989. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS HOME- LOAN FEE. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of section 1829 of title 38, United States Code, fees may be collected under such section with respect to loans closed before December 1, 1989. SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE; RATIFICATION. (a) EFFECTIVE DATE. —The provisions of and amendments made by this Act shall take effect as of October 1, 1989. (b) RATIFICATION.—Any actions of the Secretary of Veterans Af- fairs in carrying out the provisions of section 620B of title 38, United