Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/823

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PUBLIC LAW 101-136—NOV. 3, 1989 ' 103 STAT. 795 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION REAL PROPERTY ACTIVITIES FEDERAL BUILDINGS FUND LIMITATIONS ON AVAILABILITY OP REVENUE For additional expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of the Fund established pursuant to section 210(f) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(f)), $25,220,000 to be deposited into said fund. The revenues and collections deposited into said fund shall be available for necessary expenses of real property management and related activities not otherwise provided for, including operation, maintenance, and protection of federally owned and leased buildings; rental of build- ings in the District of Columbia; restoration of leased premises; moving Governmental agencies (including space adjustments) in connection with the assignment, allocation and transfer of space; contractual services incident to cleaning or servicing buildings and moving; repair and alteration of federally owned buildings, includ- ing grounds, approaches and appurtenances; care and safeguarding of sites; maintenance, preservation, demolition, and equipment; ac- quisition of buildings and sites by purchase, condemnation, or as otherwise authorized by law; conversion and extension of federally owned buildings; preliminary planning and design of projects by contract or otherwise; construction of new buildings (including equipment for such buildings); and payment of principal, interest, t^es, and any other obligations for public buildings acquired by purchase contract, in the aggregate amount of $3,328,345,320, of which (1) not to exceed $138,843,000 shall remain available until expended for construction of additional projects at locations and at maximum construction improvement costs (including funds for sites and expenses) as follows: New Construction: Alaska: Skagway, Border Station, $4,110,000 Iowa: Ames, a grant to establish a midwest Supercomputer Access Center at Iowa State University, $5,000,000 California: ^ Long Beach, Grant to County of Los Angeles, additional deck to a parking facility, $3,000,000 Colorado: Boulder, NOAA, $31,814,000 Kansas: Kansas City, Federal Building, Courthouse, Site, $200,000 Maryland: Prince George's County Federal Courthouse, Site and Design, $4,700,000 Boston, Federal Building, Claun, $2,930,000 Woods Hole, a grant for the development of the Marine Biomedical Institute for Advanced Studies, $2,000,000 Northampton, a grant for a science center at Smith •yH\ College, $1,500,000 Maryland: