Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/16

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xvi LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-420 To amend section 5948 of title 5, United States Code, to Oct. 12, 1990 908 reauthorize physicians comparability allowances. 101-421 Drug and Alcohol Dependent Offenders Treatment Act of Oct. 12, 1990 909 1989. 101-422 To authorize appropriations for the Administrative Con- Oct. 12, 1990 910 ference of the United States for fiscal years 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, and for other purposes. 101-423 To establish a national policy on permanent papers Oct. 12, 1990 912 101-424 To establish calendar year 1992 as the "Year of Clean Oct. 12, 1990 914 Water". 101-425 Department of Energy Metal Casting Competitiveness Re- Oct. 15, 1990 915 search Act of 1990. 101-426 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Oct. 15, 1990 920 101-427 To redesignate The National System of Interstate and De- Oct. 15, 1990 927 fense Highways as The Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highwajrs. 101-428 Capitol Police Retirement Act Oct. 15, 1990 928 101-429 Securities Enforcement Remedies and Penny Stock Oct. 15, 1990 931 Reform Act of 1990. 101-430 To authorize the acquisition of additional lands for inclu- Oct. 15, 1990 959 sion in the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, and for other purposes. 101-431 Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 Oct. 15, 1990 960 101-432 Market Reform Act of 1990 Oct. 16, 1990 963 101-433 Older Workers Benefit Protection Act Oct. 16, 1990 978 101-434 To amend the Appalachian Regional Development Act of Oct. 17, 1990 985 1965 to include Columbiana Qiunty, Ohio, as part of the Appalachiem region. 101-435 Telephone Operator Consumer Services Improvement Act Oct. 17, 1990 986 of 1990. 101-436 To provide for the conveyance of certain lands to the Oct. 17, 1990 993 State of Ceilifornia, and for other purposes. 101-437 Children's Television Act of 1990 Oct. 18, 1990 996 101-438 Rio Grande American Canal Extension Act of 1990 Oct. 18, 1990 1001 101-439 Designating October 1990 as "National Domestic Violence Oct. 18, 1990 1004 Awareness Month". 101-440 State Energy Efficiency Programs Improvement Act of Oct. 18, 1990 1006 1990. 101-441 To amend Public Law 99-647, establishing the Blackstone Oct. 18, 1990 1017 River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission, to authorize the Commission to take immediate action in furtherance of its purposes and to increase the authorization of appropriations for the Commission. 101-442 To authorize the acquisition of certain lands in the States Oct. 18, 1990 1019 of Louisiana and Mississippi for inclusion in the Vicksburg Nation^ Military Park, to improve the management of certain public lands in the State of Minnesote, and for other purposes. 101-443 Connecticut Coastal Protection Act of 1990 Oct. 19, 1990 1028 101-444 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal Oct. 19, 1990 1030 year 1991, and for other purposes. 101-445 National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act Oct. 22, 1990 1034 of 1990. 101-446 Firefighters'Safety Study Act Oct. 22, 1990 1045 101-447 San Carlos Mineral Strip Act of 1990 Oct. 22, 1990 1047 101-448 To designate thFederal building located at 51 Southwest Oct. 22, 1990 1049 1st Avenue in Miami, Florida, as the "Claude Pepper Federal Building".