Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/256

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104 STAT. 222 PUBLIC LAW 101-302—MAY 25, 1990 CHAPTER III FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT FINANCING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS MULTILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT LIMITATION ON CALLABLE CAPITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The United States Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development may subscribe without fiscal year limitation to the callable capital portion of the United States share of increases in capital stock in an amount not to exceed $1,609,671,408. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS Of the funds made available in Public Law 101-167, for "International organizations and programs", an additional $5,000,000 may be made available for payment to the United Nations Environment Program, to carry out the provisions of section 2 of the United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973. BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT DEPARTMENT OF STATE MIGRATION AND REFUGEE ASSISTANCE For an additional amount for "Migration and refugee assistance", $75,000,000, to support emergency refugee admissions and assistance: Provided, That not less than $5,000,000 of the funds provided under this heading shall be available for Soviet, Eastern European and other refugees resettling in Israel: Provided further. That of the funds allocated in this account, an equitable share shall be made available to Pentecostals, Evangelicals, and Baptists to fund the existing two thousand semifunded refugee admissions numbers for the Soviet Union, unless sufficient unused refugee admissions numbers could be reallocated within this fiscal year to allow adequate funding and admission of this group: Provided further. That funds provided under this heading shall remain available until expended: Burma. Provided further. That funds used pursuant to the last proviso Thailand. (relating to assistance for Burmese students at camps on the border with Thailand) under the heading "MIGRATION AND REFUGEE ASSIST- ANCE" in the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990 (Public Law 101-167) may be used to provide assistance to any Burmese person in Burma or Thailand who is displaced as a result of events relating to civil conflict.