Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/15

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS xv PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-392 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Edu- Sept. 25, 1990 753 cation Act Amendments of 1990. 101-393 Designating October 3, 1990, as "National Teacher Appre- Sept. 25, 1990 844 ciation Day". 101-394 To designate the week of September 23 through 29, 1990, Sept. 25, 1990 845 as "Bteligiovis Freedom Week". 101-395 To designate the week of September 30, 1990, through Oc- Sept. 25, 1990 847 tober 6, 1990, as "National Job Skills Week". 101-396 _ Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act Sept. 28, 1990 848 of 1990. 101-397 To extend the authorization of appropriations for the Sept. 28, 1990 852 Water Resources Research Act of 1984 through the end of fiscal year 1994. 101-398 Mississippi River Corridor Study Commission Act of 1989.. Sept. 28, 1990 855 101-399 To provide for the acquisition of the William Johnson Sept. 28, 1990 860 House and its addition to the Natchez National Historical Park, and for other purposes. 101-400 Route 66 Study Act of 1990 Sept. 28, 1990 861 101-401 Maine Wilderness Act of 1990 Sept. 28, 1990 863 101-402 To provide for the temporary extension of certain pro- Oct. 1, 1990 866 grams relating to housing and community development, and for other purposes. 101-403 Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1991, Oct. 1, 1990 867 supplemental appropriations for "Operation Desert Shield" for the fiscal year 1990, and for other purposes. 101-404 United Services Organization's 50th Anniversary Com- Oct. 2, 1990 875 memorative Coin Act. 101-405 To extend the temporary increase in the public debt limit. Oct. 2, 1990 878 101-406 1992 Olympic Commemorative Coin Act Oct. 3, 1990 879 101-407 To extend the expiration date of the Defense Production Oct. 4, 1990 882 Act of 1950. 101-408 Indian Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Act of Oct. 4, 1990 883 1990. 101-409 White House Conference on Small Business Authorization Oct. 5, 1990 885 Act. 101-410 Federal CivU Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990... Oct. 5, 1990 890 101-411 To extend the expiration date of the Defense Production Oct. 6, 1990 893 Act of 1950 to October 20, 1990. 101-412 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal Oct. 9, 1990 894 year 1991, and for other purposes. 101-413 To designate October 6, 1990, as "German-American Day". Oct. 11, 1990 898 101-414 To designate the month of October 1990 as "Country Oct. 11, 1990 899 Music Month". 101-415 Designating October 1990 as "National Breast Cancer Oct. 11, 1990 900 Awareness Month". 101-416 To grant a temporary extension on the authority under Oct. 12, 1990 902 which the Government may accept the voluntsuy services of private-sector executives; to clarify the status of Federal employees assigned to private-sector positions while participating in an executive exchange program; and for other purposes. 101-417 To commemorate the centennial of the creation by Con- Oct. 12, 1990 904 gress of Yosemite National Park. 101-418 Designating March 1991 as "Irish-American Heritage Oct. 12, 1990 906 Month". 101-419 To convey certain Oregon and California Railroad Grant Oct. 12, 1990 907 Lands m Josephine County, Oregon, to the Rog^ue Community College District, and for other purposes.