Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/176

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104 STAT. 1156 PUBLIC LAW 101-477—OCT. 30, 1990 stricted in any public proceeding, including publicly supported education programs. EVALUATIONS President. SEC. 106. (a) The President shall direct the heads of the various 25 USC 2905. Federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities to— (1) evaluate their policies and procedures in consultation with Indian tribes and other Native American governing bodies as well as traditional leaders and educators in order to determine and implement changes needed to bring the policies and procedures into compliance with the provisions of this title; (2) give the greatest effect possible in making such evaluations, absent a clear specific Federal statutory -equirement to the contrary, to the policies and procedures which will give the broadest effect to the provisions of this title; and (3) evaluate the laws which they administer and make recommendations to the President on amendments needed to bring such laws into compliance with the provisions of this title. Reports. (b) By no later than the date that is 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, the President shall submit to the Congress a report containing recommendations for amendments to Federal laws that are needed to bring such laws into compliance with the provisions of this title. USE OF ENGUSH 25 USC 2906. SEC. 107. Nothing in this title shall be construed as precluding the use of Federal funds to teach English to Native Americans. Approved October 30, 1990. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 2167 (H.R. 5040): SENATE REPORTS: No. 101-371 (Select Comm. on Indian Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 136 (1990): July 23, H.R. 5040 considered and passed House. July 30, considered and passed Senate, amended. Oct. 11, S. 2167 considered and passed Senate. Oct. 12, considered and passed House. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOOUMENTS, Vol. 26 (1990): Oct. 30, Presidential statement.