Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/265

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PUBLIC LAW 101-501—NOV. 3, 1990 104 STAT. 1245 "(9) describe how the applicant proposes to coordinate services under this part with services under chapter 1 of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the BUingual Education Act, and the Education of the Handicapped Act of 1975; "(10) demonstrate that— "(A) the applicant has entered into a formal arrangement with local Head Start programs and other preschool programs for such cooperation and activities as are necessary to ensure an effective transition of eligible children entering the Follow Through program carried out by such applicant; and "(B) the Follow Through activities to be provided by the applicant have been specifically designed to coordinate with, and build on, those activities provided to participants in local Head Start or other similar preschool programs; "(11) describe the expected or, if possible, actual impact of such program on the applicant's regular school program; and "(12) contain— "(A) a certification that the applicant submitted such application to the State educational agency (as defined in section 1471(23) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) for a reasonable period for comment before submitting such application to the Secretary; and "(B) any comments received from such agency during such period.". SEC. 204. PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT. (a) RESEARCH, EVALUATION, AND RELATED MATTERS. —The Follow Through Act (42 U.S.C. 9861-9877) is amended by striking section 664 and inserting the following: "PA RT II—PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT "R ESEARCH "SEC. 664. The Secretary may provide financial assistance, 42 USC 9863. through grants and contracts, to public and private nonprofit agencies, institutions, and organizations to conduct research— "(1) to improve Follow Through approaches; "(2) to develop model Follow Through approaches; and "(3) to meet the special needs of children who are eligible to participate in Follow Through programs. " TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING "SEC. 664A. (a) The Secretary shall make grants to public and Grant programs, private nonprofit agencies, institutions, and organizations— ^^ ^^ 9863a. "(1) to provide technical assistance to assist in the development, implementation, and expanded use of model Follow Through approaches; and "(2) to provide training in conjunction with the operation of Follow Through programs or other programs that adopt such approaches. "(b)(l) Technical assistance with respect to a particular model Follow Through approach may not be provided under subsection (a)(1) in more than 5 fiscal years to a particular recipient of financial assistance under section 662(a).