Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/289

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PUBLIC LAW 101-501—NOV. 3, 1990 104 STAT. 1269 (F) peer counseling and crisis intervention, family violence counseling and referrals for such services; (G) referral for substance abuse counseling and treatment referral; and (H) referral for primary health and mental health services. (7) OUTREACH SERVICES.— The term "outreach services" means services provided to ensure (through home visits or other methods) that parents are aware of and able to participate in family resource and support program activities. SEC. 927. ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAMS. 42 USC 12333. The Commissioner shall make grants— Grant programs. (1) in each State under section 931 to improve State planning and coordination of services, and under section 932 to expand supportive services, in order to promote the availability of developmental, preventive, and remedial services to children, youth and their families that are designed to ensure— (A) adequate and safe physicail shelter whether in their own homes or, if necessary, in out-of-home programs; (B) high quality physical and mental health care; (C) the enhancement of the development of children to ensure that children enter school prepared and ready to learn; (D) highest quality educational opportunity; (E) effective training and apprenticeships to increase the likelihood of employment; (F) opportunities for community service and productive employment, and for participation by children and youth in decisions affecting the lives of such children and youth; and (G) a wide range of civic, cultural, and recreational activities that recognize young individuals as resources and promote self-esteem and a sense of community; and (2) to States on a competitive basis under section 933 to establish family resource programs (including family support centers) in order to enhance the ability of families to remain together and to thrive through the provision of community based services that— (A) promote and build family and parenting skills; (B) promote and assist families in the use of formgil and informal family support services; (C) create a support network to strengthen and reinforce good parenting; and (D) are closely linked with, but not duplicative of, other community resources. SEC. 928. ADMINISTRATION. 42 USC 12334. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commissioner shall administer programs under this chapter through the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families. (b) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. — In carrying out this chapter, the Commissioner may request the technical assistance and cooperation of the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Labor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Transportation, the Director of the Office of Community Services, and such other agencies and departments of the Federal Government as may be appropriate. 39-194O-91- 10:QL3Part 2