Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/29

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LIST OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS CONTAINED IN TfflS VOLUME (X)NCURIiENT RESOLUTION DATE PAGE H. Con. Res. 242.... Joint session Jan. 23, 1990 5151 H. Con. Res. 228.... VISTA—Twenty-fifth anniversary celebration Jan. 24, 1990 5151 H. Con. Res. 256.... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Feb. 7, 1990 5151 H. Con. Res. 198.... American Soviet Youth Orchestra—Capitol grounds Feb. 8, 1990 5152 concert. H. Con. Res. 251.... Lajos Kossuth—Bust dedication ceremony Mar. 1, 1990 5152 H. Con. Res. 226.... Philo T. Famsworth—Statue presentation ceremony Mar. 5, 1990 5153 S. Con. Res. 103 Adjournment—Senate Mar. 8, 1990 5153 S. Con. Res. 98 Earth Day 1990—Capitol grounds celebration Mar. 27, 1990.... 5154 H. Con. Res. 275.... "Columbus in the Capitol" arts volume—Capitol Apr. 4, 1990 5154 exhibits. H. Con. Res. 299.... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Apr. 4, 1990 5155 H. Con. Res. 87 Baha'i faith—Iranian persecution May 15, 1990 5155 S. Con. Res. 117 Friends of the National Arboretum—Congressional May 15, 1990 5157 appreciation. H. Con. Res. 286.... 1990 Special Olympics Torch Relay—Capitol May 17, 1990 5157 grounds authorization. H. Con. Res. 311.... "Our Flag" booklet—House print May 17, 1990 5158 S. Con. Res. 133 American military heroism celebration—Capitol May 23, 1990 5158 rotunda ceremonies. H. Con. Res. 334.... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate May 25, 1990 5158 H. Con. Res. 347.... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate June 28, 1990.... 5159 H. Con. Res. 287.... Whales—Conservation and protection June 29, 1990.... 5159 H. Con. Res. 272.... Honorable WUliam D. Ford portrait presentation— July 10, 1990 5160 House print. H. Con. Res. 344.... His All Holiness Patriarch Dimitrios—Capitol July 10, 1990 5161 rotunda ceremony. S. Con. Res. 136 Foster Grandparent Program—Twenty-fifth July 12, 1990 5161 anniversary. S. Con. Res. 142 A4joumment provisions—Senate and House of Aug. 1, 1990 5162 Representatives. S. Con. Res. 118 United States Capitol brochure—Senate print Aug. 3, 1990 5162 H. Con. Res. 360.... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Aug. 4, 1990 5162 H. Con. Res. 365.... Joint session Sept. 10, 1990.... 5163 H. Con. Res. 338.... "Understanding Congress" bicentennial research Sept. 18, 1990.... 5163 conference procee<£ngs—House print. H. Con. Res. 310.... Federal budget—Fiscal years 1991-1995 Oct. 9, 1990 5163 S. Con. Res. 150 Enrollment correction—S. 1824 Oct. 15, 1990 5181 H. Con. Res. 381.... Enrollment corrections—H.R. 4151 Oct. 20, 1990 5181 H. Con. Res. 172.... Spouse abuse—Statutory presumption in child Oct. 25, 1990 5182 custody litigation. S. Con. Res. 153 Wounded Knee Creek Massacre—One-hundredth Oct. 25, 1990 5183 annivers€uy commemoration. S. Con. Res. 156 Enrolhnent corrections—S. 2834 Oct. 26, 1990 5184 xxix