Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/300

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104 STAT. 1280 PUBLIC LAW 101-501—NOV. 3, 1990 1993 White House Conference on Children, Youth, and Families. 42 USC 12301 note. 42 USC 12371. 42 USC 12372. Qy) EVALUATION. — To carry out section 959, there are authorized to be appropriated $700,000 for fiscal year 1991, and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1992 through 1994. Subtitle B—White House Conference on Children, Youth, and Families SEC. 981. SHORT TITLE. This subtitle may be cited as the "1993 White House Conference on Children, Youth, and Families". SEC. 982. FINDINGS. (a) FINDINGS.— The Congress finds that— (1) children and youth are inherently our most valuable resource and their welfare, protection, healthy development, and positive role in society are essential to the Nation; (2) children and youth deserve love, respect, and guidance, as well as good health, shelter, food, education, productive work, and preparation for responsible participation in community life; (3) £m increasing opportunity for children and youth to participate in the decisions that Eiffect their lives is essential; (4) the family is the primary caregiver and the source of socisd learning which must be supported and strengthened, but when families are unable to ensure the satisfaction of the needs of children and youth, it is society's responsibility to assist them; (5) at a minimum, all children and youth need and deserve access to— (A) the best possible physical and mental health; (B) adequate and safe physical shelter; (C) the highest quality of educational opportunity; (D) effective training, apprenticeships, opportunities for community service, and productive employment; (E) the widest range of civic, cultural, and recreational activities which recognize young Americans as resources and promote self-esteem and a stake in their communities; (F) comprehensive community services which are efficient, coordinated, and readily available; and (G) genuine participation in decisions concerning the planning and managing of their lives; and (6) there is a great need for a comprehensive national policy with respect to young individuals, designed to engage Federal, State, and local government agencies, youth organizations, and other voluntary organizations. Gs) STATEMENT OF POLICY.— It is the policy of the Congress that the Federal Government should work jointly with the States and their citizens to develop recommendations and plans for action to meet the challenge and needs of young individuals. SEC. 983. AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY; FINAL REPORT. (a) CALLING OF THE CONFERENCE.—The President shall call a White House Conference on Children, Youth, and Families in 1993 in order to develop recommendations for further action in the field of children, youth, and families which will further the policy set forth in section 9820b). The Conference shall be planned and con-