Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/316

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104 STAT. 1296 PUBLIC LAW 101-503 —NOV. 3, 1990 welfare of the Seneca Nation and its members. The Seneca Nation may in its discretion add the accrued income to the principal. (ii) The sum of $3,000,000 shall be deposited in an escrow account which shall be owned by the Seneca Nation. The escrow agent shall be selected by agreement of the Seneca Nation and the city. The escrow account shall remain in existence for a period of ten years from the date on which the principal is deposited or until all payments provided for under section V.D. of the Agreement have been made. The escrow account shall be held and disbursed for economic and community development as set forth in section V.D. of the Agreement. Upon the expiration of the ten-year period, the $3,000,000 principal shall be disbursed in accordance with a plan approved by the Council of the Seneca Nation to promote the economic and community development of the Seneca Nation. (c) FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE STATE.— The State, in accordance with its laws and regulations, shall provide the sum of $16,000,000 in cash payments and $9,000,000 for economic or community development subject to the provisions of the memorandum of understanding. (d) TIME OF PAYMENTS.—The payments required by this section on the part of the United States shall be made within 30 days of the Secretary's determination that the Seneca Nation has complied with section 4, or upon the availability of the amounts necessary to carry out this Act, if such determination has previously been made. If the Secretary determines that the Seneca Nation has not complied with section 4, he shall advise the Seneca Nation in writing of all steps it must take to comply. (e) LIMITATION.— The only amounts available to carry out this Act shall be those amounts specifically appropriated by the Congress or the legislature of the State to carry out this Act. 25 USC 1774e. SEC. 7. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO PAYMENT OF UNITED STATES AND STATE FUNDS. Amounts may not be expended from— (1) the $30,000,000 and the $5,000,000 provided by the United States under section 603), and (2) the $16,000,000 and $9,000,000 provided by the State under section 6(c), until after the authorized officials of the Seneca Nation execute new leases with all lessees who accept the Seneca Nation's offer of a new lease, as filed with the Secretary under section 4(a), and execute appropriate documents relinquishing all claims for payment of annual rents prior to February 20, 1991, with respect to such leases. 25 USC 1774f. SEC. 8. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) LIENS AND FORFEITURES, ETC. —Subject to subsection (b), the provisions of section 7 of the Indian Tribal Judgment Funds Use and Distribution Act (25 U.S.C. 1407) shall apply to any payment of funds authorized to be appropriated under this Act and made to individual members of the Seneca Nation. None of the payments, funds, or distributions authorized, established, or directed by this Act, and none of the income derived therefrom, which may be received under this Act by the Seneca Nation or individual members of the Seneca Nation, shall be subject to levy, execution, forfeiture, garnishment, lien, encumbrance, seizure, or State or local taxation.