Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/429

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PUBLIC LAW 101-508—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1388-21 (b) NUMBER OF MORTGAGES INSURED. — Section 255(g) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-20(g)) is amended by striking the second sentence and inserting the following: "The total number of mortgages insured under this section may not exceed 25,000.". Subtitle C—Auction of Federally Insured Mortgages SEC. 2201. AUCTION OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGES. Section 221(g)(4) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 17151(g)(4)) is amended by adding after subparagraph (B) the following new subparagraph: "(C)(i) In lieu of accepting assignment of the original credit instrument and the mortgage securing the credit instrument under subparagraph (A) in exchange for receipt of debentures, the Secretary shall arrange for the sale of the beneficial interests in the mortgage loan through an auction and sale of the (I) mortgage loans, or (II) participation certificates, or other mortgage-backed obligations in a form acceptable to the Secretary (in this subparagraph referred to as 'participation certificates'). The Secretary shall arrange the auction and sale at a price, to be paid to the mortgagee, of par plus accrued interest to the date of sale. The sale price shall also include the right to a subsidy payment described in clause (iii). '(iiXD The Secretary shall conduct a public auction to determine the lowest interest rate necessary to accomplish a sale of the beneficial interests in the original credit instrument and mortgage securing the credit instrument. "(II) A mortgagee who elects to assign a mortgage shall provide the Secretary and persons bidding at the auction a description of the characteristics of the original credit instrument and mortgage securing the original credit instrument, which shall include the principal mortgage balance, original stated interest rate, service fees, real estate and tenant characteristics, the level and duration of applicable Federal subsidies, and any other information determined by the Secretary to be appropriate. The Secretary shall also provide information regarding the status of the property with respect to the provisions of the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 or any subsequent Act with respect to eligibility to prepay the mortgage, a statement of whether the owner has filed a notice of intent to prepay or a plan of action under the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 or any subsequent Act, and the details with respect to incentives provided under the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 or any subsequent Act in lieu of exercising prepayment rights. "(Ill) The Secretary shall, upon receipt of the information in subclause (II), promptly advertise for an auction and publish such mortgage descriptions in advance of the auction. The Secretary may conduct the auction at any time during the 6-month period beginning upon receipt of the information in subclause (II) but under no circumstances