Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/649

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PUBLIC LAW 101-508 —NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1388-241 paragraph (1) except to the extent that renovation or repair is necessary to bring the facility of such agency or organization into compliance with health and safety requirements referred to in section 658E(c)(2)(F). "SEC. 658G. ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CHILD CARE. 42 USC 9858e. "A State that receives financial assistance under this subchapter shall use not less than 20 percent of the amounts reserved by such State under section 658E(c)(3)(C) for each fiscal year for one or more of the following: "(1) RESOURCE AND REFERRAL PROGRAMS.— Operating directly or providing financial assistance to private nonprofit organizations or public organizations (including units of general purpose local government) for the development, establishment, expansion, operation, and coordination of resource and referral programs specifically related to child care. "(2) GRANTS OR LOANS TO ASSIST IN MEETING STATE AND LOCAL STANDARDS. —Making grants or providing loans to child care providers to assist such providers in meeting applicable State and local child care standards. "(3) MONITORING OF COMPUANCE WITH LICENSING AND REGU- LATORY REQUIREMENTS. —Improving the monitoring of compliance with, and enforcement of, State and local licensing and regulatory requirements (including registration requirements). "(4) TRAINING.— Providing training and technical assistance in areas appropriate to the provision of child care services, such as training in health and safety, nutrition, first aid, the recognition of communicable diseases, child abuse detection and prevention, and the care of children with special needs. "(5) COMPENSATION.— Improving salaries and other compensation paid to full- and part-time staff who provide child care services for which assistance is provided under this subchapter. "SEC. 658H. EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND BEFORE- AND 42 USC 9858f. AFTER-SCHOOL SERVICES. "(a) IN GENERAL.—A State that receives financial assistance under this subchapter shall use not less than 75 percent of the amounts reserved by such State under section 658E(c)(3)(C) for each fiscal year to establish or expand and conduct, through the provision of grants or contracts, early childhood development or before- and after-school child care programs, or both. "(b) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION.— Programs that receive assistance under this section shall— "(1) in the case of early childhood development programs, consist of services that are not intended to serve as a substitute for a compulsory academic programs but that are intended to provide an environment that enhances the educational, social, cultural, emotional, and recreational development of children; and "(2) in the case of before- and after-school child care programs— "(A) be provided Monday through Friday, including school holidays and vacation periods other than legal public holidays, to children attending early childhood development programs, kindergarten, or elementary or secondary school classes during such times of the day and on such