Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/711

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PUBLIC LAW 101-508 —NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1388-303 developing its management program. No coastal State is eligible to receive more than two grants pursuant to this subsection. "(b) Any coastal State which has completed the development of its management program shall submit such program to the Secretary for review and approval pursuant to section 306.". SEC. 6206. ADMINISTRATIVE GRANTS. (a) IN GENERAL. — Section 306 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1455) is amended to read as follows: "ADMINISTRATIVE GRANTS "SEC. 306. (a) The Secretary may make grants to any coastal State for the purpose of administering that State's management program, if the State matches any such grant according to the following ratios of Federal-to-State contributions for the applicable fiscal year: "(1) For those States for which programs were approved prior to enactment of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990,1 to 1 for any fiscal year. "(2) For programs approved after enactment of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990, 4 to 1 for the first fiscal year, 2.3 to 1 for the second fiscal year, 1.5 to 1 for the third fiscal year, and 1 to 1 for each fiscal year thereafter. "(b) The Secretary may make a grant to a coastal State under subsection (a) only if the Secretary finds that the management program of the coastal State meets all applicable requirements of this title and has been approved in accordance with subsection (d); "(c) Grants under this section shall be allocated to coastal States with approved programs based on rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary which shall take into account the extent and nature of the shoreline and area covered by the program, population of the area, and other relevant factors. The Secretary shall establish, after consulting with the coastal States, maximum and minimum grants for any fiscal year to promote equity between coastal States and effective coastal management. "(d) Before approving a management program submitted by a coastal State, the Secretary shall find the following: "(1) The State has developed and adopted a management program for its coastal zone in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary, after notice, and with the opportunity of full participation by relevant Federal agencies, State agencies, local governments, regional organizations, port authorities, and other interested parties and individuals, public and private, which is adequate to carry out the purposes of this title and is consistent with the policy declared in section 303. "(2) The management program includes each of the following required program elements: "(A) An identification of the boundaries of the coastal zone subject to the management program. "(B) A definition of what shall constitute permissible land uses and water uses within the coastal zone which have a direct and significant impact on the coastal waters. "(C) An inventory and designation of areas of particular concern within the coastal zone. "(D) An identification of the means by which the State proposes to exert control over the land uses and water uses