Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/9

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS CONTAINED IN TfflS VOLUME PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-241 To designate February 8, 1990, as "National Women and Feb. 12, 1990 3 Girls in Sports Day'. 101-242 To designate the period commencing February 4, 1990, Feb. 12, 1990 5 and ending February 10, 1990, and the period commencing February 3, 1991, and ending February 9, 1991, as "National Bum Awareness Week'. 101-243 Urgent Assistance for Democracy in Panama Act of 1990... Feb. 14, 1990 7 101-244 To designate the period commencing February 18, 1990, Feb. 14, 1990 11 and ending February 24, 1990, as "National Visiting Nurse Associations Week". 101-245 Designating February 11 throiigh February 17, 1990, as Feb. 14, 1990 13 "Vocational-Technical Education Week". 101-246 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 Feb. 16, 1990 15 and 1991. 101-247 Designating February 16, 1990, as "Lithuanian Independ- Feb. 16, 1990 92 ence Day'. 101-248 Designating the week of March 1 through March 7, 1990, Feb. 27, 1990 93 as "National Quarter Horse Week". 101-249 Posthumovis Citizenship for Active Duty Service Act of Mar. 6, 1990 94 1989. 101-250 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Mar. 6, 1990 96 of 1965 to extend the authorization for certain school dropout demonstration programs. 101-251 To designate March 11 through March 17, 1990, as "Deaf Mar. 13, 1990 98 Awareness Week". 101-252 To designate March 10, 1990, as "Harriet Tubman Day".... Mar. 13, 1990 99 101-253 To change the name of "Marion Lake", located northwest Mar. 14, 1990 100 of Marion, Kansas, to "Marion Reservoir". 101-254 Library Services and Construction Act Amendments of Mar. 15, 1990 101 1990. 101-255 To provide the Secretary of Agriculture authority regard- Mar. 15, 1990 114 ing the sale of sterile screwworms. 101-256 To designate March 25, 1990, as "Greek Independence Mar. 20, 1990 116 Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy". 101-257 To authorize the conveyance of a parcel of land in Whit- Mar. 20, 1990 117 ney Lake, Texas. 101-258 Providing for the commemoration of the 100th anniversa- Mar. 27, 1990 118 ry of the birth of Dwight David Eisenhower. 101-259 To designate the Federal building located at 350 South Mar. 30, 1990 121 Main Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, as the "Frank E. Moss United States Courthouse". 101-260 United States Coast Guard Bicentennial Medal Act Mar. 30, 1990 122 101-261 To designate April 1990 as "National Prevent-A-Litter Mar. 30, 1990 123 Month". 101-262 Energy Policy and Conservation Act Extension Amend- Mar. 31, 1990 124 mentofl990. ix