Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/996

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104 STAT. 1388-588 PUBLIC LAW 101-508—NOV. 5, 1990 account to be sequestered, estimates of the baseline level of sequestrable budgetary resources and resulting outlays and the amount of budgetary resources to be sequestered and resulting outlay reductions. The reports shall also contain estimates of the effects on outlays of the sequestration in each outyear through 1995 for direct spending programs. "(4) EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENCES. — The OMB report shall explain any differences between OMB and CBO estimates of the amount of any net deficit change calculated under subsection 252(b), any excess deficit, any breach, and any required sequestration percentage. The OMB report shall also explain dif- ferences in the amount of sequesterable resources for any budget account to be reduced if such difference is greater than $5,000,000. "(5) PRESIDENTIAL ORDER. —On the date specified in subsection (a), if in its final sequestration report OMB estimates that any sequestration is required, the President shall issue an order fully implementing without change all sequestrations required by the OMB calculations set forth in that report. This order shall be effective on issuance. "(h) WITHIN-SESSION SEQUESTRATION REPORTS AND ORDER. —If an appropriation for a fiscal year in progress is enacted (after Congress adjourns to end the session for that budget year and before July 1 of that fiscal year) that causes a breach, 10 days later CBO shall issue a report containing the information required in paragraph (g)(2). Fif - teen days after enactment, OMB shall issue a report containing the information required in paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(4). On the same day as the OMB report, the President shall issue an order fully implementing without change all sequestrations required by the OMB calculations set forth in that report. This order shall be effective on issuance. "(i) GAO COMPUANCE REPORT.—On the date specified in subsection (a), the C!omptroller General shall submit to the Congress and the President a report on— "(1) the extent to which each order issued by the President under this section complies with all of the requirements contained in this part, either certifying that the order fully and accurately complies with such requirements or indicating the respects in which it does not; and "(2) the extent to which each report issued by OMB or CBO under this section complies with all of the requirements contained in this part, either certifying that the report fully and accurately complies with such requirements or indicating the respects in which it does not. "(j) LOW-GROWTH REPORT.— At any time, CBO shall notify the Congress if— "(1) during the period consisting of the quarter during which such notification is given, the quarter preceding such notification, and the 4 quarters following such notification, CBO or OMB has determined that real economic growth is projected or estimated to be less than zero with respect to each of any 2 consecutive quarters within such period; or "(2) the most recent of the Department of Commerce's advance preliminary or final reports of actual real economic growth indicate that the rate of real economic growth for each of the most recently reported quarter and the immediately preceding quarter is less than one percent.