Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/750

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104 STAT. 3066 PUBLIC LAW 101-604—NOV. 16, 1990 Public Law 101-604 101st Congress Nov. 16, 1990 [H.R. 5732] Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990. 49 USC app. 1301 note. 25 USC 5501 note. An Act To promote and strengthen aviation security, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.—T h is Act may be cited as the "Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990". (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS. — Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings. TITLE I—AVIATION SECURITY Sec. 101. Director of Intelligence and Security. Sec. 102. Annual aviation security report; budget. Sec. 103. Assistant Administrator for Civil Aviation Security. Sec. 104. Federal Security Managers and Foreign Security Liaison Officers. Sec. 105. Air carrier and airport security personnel. Sec. 106. Assessment of threats to domestic airport security. Sec. 107. Research and development. Sec. 108. Deplojmient of explosive detection equipment. Sec. 109. Threats to civil aviation; public notification. Sec. 110. Airport construction guidelines. Sec. 111. Intelligence. Sec. 112. Screening of mail and cargo. TITLE II—UNITED STATES RESPONSE TO TERRORISM AFFECTING AMERICANS ABROAD Sec. 201. International negotiations concerning aviation security. Sec. 202. Coordinator for counterterrorism. Sec. 203. Passenger manifest. Sec. 204. Department of State notification of families of victims. Sec. 205. Designation of State Department-family liaison and toll-free family communications system. Sec. 206. Disaster training for State Department personnel. Sec. 207. Department of State responsibilities and procedures at international disaster site. Sec. 208. Recovery and disposition of remains and personal effects. Sec. 209. Assessment of Lockerbie experience. Sec. 210. Official Department of State recognition. Sec. 211. United States Government compensation for victims of terrorism. Sec. 212. Overseas security electronic bulletin board. Sec. 213. Antiterrorism assistance. Sec. 214. Antiterrorism measures. Sec. 215. Proposal for consideration by the international civil aviation organization. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds that— (1) the safety and security of passengers of United States air carriers against terrorist threats should be given the highest priority by the United States Government; (2) the report of the President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism, dated May 15, 1990, found that current aviation security systems are inadequate to provide such protection;