Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/774

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104 STAT. 3090 PUBLIC LAW 101-605—NOV. 16, 1990 POLICY AND PURPOSE 16 USC 1433 SEC. 3. (a) POLICY. — It is the policy of the United States to protect "°*®- and preserve living and other resources of the Florida Keys marine environment. (b) PURPOSE.— The purpose of this Act is to protect the resources of the area described in section 5(b), to educate and interpret for the public regarding the Florida Keys marine environment, and to manage such human uses of the Sanctuary consistent with this Act. Nothing in this Act is intended to restrict activities that do not cause an adverse effect to the resources or property of the Sanctuary or that do not pose harm to users of the Sanctuary. DEFINITION 16 USC 1433 SEC. 4. As used in this Act, the term "adverse effect" means any "°*®- factor, force, or action that would independently or cumulatively damage, diminish, degrade, impair, destroy, or otherwise harm— (1) any Sanctuary resource, as defined in section 302(8) of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1432(8)); or (2) any of those qualities, values, or purposes for which the Sanctuary is designated. SANCTUARY DESIGNATION 16 USC 1433 SEC. 5. (a) DESIGNATION.—The area described in subsection (b) is ^°^- designated as the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (in this Act referred to as the "Sanctuary") under title III of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.). The Sanctuary shall be managed and regulations enforced under all applicable provisions of such title III as if the Sanctuary had been designated under such title. (b) AREA INCLUDED.—(1) Subject to subsections (c) and (d), the area referred to in subsection (a) consists of all submerged lands and waters, including living marine and other resources within and on those lands and waters, from the mean high water mark to the boundary described under paragraph (2), with the exception of areas Records. within the Fort Jefferson National Monument. The Sanctuary shall f^^^^^ be generally identified and depicted on National Oceanic and Atinformation. mospheric Administration charts FKNMS 1 and 2, which shall be maintained on file and kept available for public examination during regular business hours at the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and which shall be updated to reflect boundary modifications under this section. (2) The boundary referred to in paragraph (1)— (A) begins at the northeasternmost point of Biscayne National Park located at approximately 25 degrees 39 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 5 minutes west longitude, then runs eastward to the 300-foot isobath located at aproximately 25 degrees 39 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 4 minutes west longitude; (B) then runs southward and connects in succession the points at the following coordinates: (i) 25 degrees 34 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 4 minutes west longitude, (ii) 25 degrees 28 minutes north latitude, 80 degrees 5 minutes west longitude, and