PUBLIC LAW 101-610—NOV. 16, 1990 104 STAT. 3127 Public Law 101-610 101st Congress An Act To enhance national and community service, and for other purposes. —— '- [S. 1430] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, National and Community SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS. Service Act of 1990 (a) SHORT TITLE. —Th is Act may be cited as the "National and Youth. Community Service Act of 1990". inter- 0?) TABLE OF CONTENTS. —The table of contents is as follows: governmental Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents. Education. Sec. 2. Purposes. ^ 2 USC 12501 TITLE I—NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE GRANT PROGRAM note. Subtitle A—General Provisions Sec. 101. Definitions. Sec. 102. Authority to make State grants. Subtitle B—School-Aged Service PART I—GENERAL PROGRAM Sec. 110. Short title. Sec. 111. General authority. Sec. 112. Allotments. Sec. 113. State application. Sec. 114. Local applications. Sec. 115. Priority; private school participation. Sec. 116. Federal and local contributions. Sec. 117. Uses of funds; limitations. PART II—HIGHER EDUCATION INNOVATIVE PROJECTS FOR CoMBiiuNiTy SERVICE Sec. 118. Higher education innovative projects for community service. Subtitle C—American Conservation and Youth Corps Sec. 120. Short title. Sec. 121. General authority. Sec. 122. Allocation of funds. Sec. 123. State application. Sec. 124. Focus of programs. Sec. 125. Related programs. Sec. 126. Public lands or Indian lands. Sec. 127. Training and education services. Sec. 128. Amount of award; matching requirement. Sec. 129. Preference for certain projects. Sec. 130. Age and citizenship criteria for enrollment. Sec. 131. Use of volimteers. Sec. 132. PostHservice benefits. Sec. 133. Living allowance. Sec. 134. Joint programs. Sec. 135. Federal and State employee status. Sec. 136. R^ulations and assistance. Subtitle D—Nation£d and Community Service Sec. 140. Short title. Sec. 141. General authority. Sec. 142. Grants.