Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/826

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104 STAT. 3142 PUBLIC LAW 101-610—NOV. 16, 1990 and crew leaders, and a plan for recruiting such participants, including educationally and economically disadvantaged youth, youth with limited basic skills or learning disabilities, homeless youth, youth with disabilities, youth who are in foster care who are becoming too old for foster care, and youth of limited English proficiency; (5) a list of requirements to be imposed on the sponsoring organizations of participants in the program, including a requirement that a sponsoring organization that invests in a program that receives assistance under this subtitle, by making a cash contribution or by providing free training to participants, shall be given preference over a sponsoring organization that does not make such an investment; (6) a description of the manner of appointment and training of sufficient supervisory staff (including participants who have displayed exceptional leadership qualities), who shall provide for other central elements of a youth corps, such as crew structure and a youth development component; (7) a description of a plan to ensure the on-site presence of knowledgeable and competent supervisory personnel at program facilities; (8) a description of the facilities, quarters and board (in the case of residential facilities), limited and emergency medical care, transportation from administrative facilities to work sites, accommodations for individuals with disabilities, and other appropriate services, supplies, and equipment that will be provided by such applicant; (9) a description of the basic standards of work requirements, health, nutrition, sanitation, and safety, and the manner that such standards shall be enforced; (10) a description of the plan to assign participants to facilities as near to the homes of such participants as is reasonable and practicable; (11) an assurance that, prior to the placement of a participant under this subtitle, the program agency will consult with any local labor organization representing employees in the area who are engaged in the same or similar work as that proposed to be carried out by such program; (12) a description of formal social counseling arrangements to be made available to the participant; (13) a plan for ensuring that individuals do not drop out of school for the purpose of participating in a youth corps program; and (14) such other information as the Commission shall require. (d) GRANT PROGRAM,—To be eligible to receive a grant under this subtitle, a State shall establish and implement a program to make grants to applicants within the State pursuant to subsection (b)(2) and, in the application submitted under subsection (a), such State shall describe the manner in which— (1) local applicants will be evaluated; (2) service programs within the State will be coordinated; (3) economically and educationally disadvantaged youth, including youth with disabilities, youth with limited basic skills or learning disabilities, youth with limited English proficiency, homeless youth, and youth in foster care who are becoming too old for foster care, will be recruited;