PUBLIC LAW 101-625—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 4347 shall require the installation of a sprinkler system that protects all major spaces, hard wired smoke detectors, and such other fire and safety improvements as may be required by State or local law. For purposes of this subsection, the term 'major spaces' means hallways, large common areas, and other areas specified in local fire, building, or safety codes. " (d) COST LIMITATION. — "(1) PER UNIT CEIUNG.— The total cost of rehabilitation that may be compensated for in an annual contribution contract entered into with the authority provided under this subtitle shall not exceed $15,000 per unit, plus the expenditures required by subsection (d). "(2) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE. — The Secretary shall increase the limitation contained in paragraph (1) by an amount the Secretary determines is reasonable and necessary to accommodate special local conditions, including— "(A) high construction costs; or "(B) stringent fire or building codes. "(3) ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT.— The Secretary shall increase the limitation in paragraph (1) on October 1 of each year by an amount necessary to take into account increases in construction costs during the previous 12-month period. "(e) CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.— Each contract for annual contributions entered into with a public housing agency or other contracting agency to obligate the authority made available under this subtitle shall— "(1) commit the Secretary to make such authority available to the public housing agency or other contracting agency for an aggregate period of 10 years, and require that any amendments increasing such authority shall be available for the remainder of such 10-year period; "(2) provide the Secretary with the option to renew the contract for an additional period of 10 years, subject to the availability of appropriations; and "(3) provide that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, first priority for occupancy of housing rehabilitated under this subtitle shall be given to homeless persons. "SEC. 422. APPLICABILITY TO INDIANS. 42 USC 11382. "Pursuant to section 201(b) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, this subtitle shall apply to Indian tribes and Indian housing authorities. "Subtitle D—Shelter Plus Care Program "PART I—SHELTER PLUS CARE: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS "SEC. 431. PURPOSE. 42 USC 11391. "The purpose of the program authorized under this subtitle is to provide rental housing assistance, in connection with supportive services funded from sources other than this subtitle, to homeless persons with disabilities (primarily persons who are seriously mentally ill, have chronic problems with alcohol, drugs, or both, or have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and related diseases) and the families of such persons. 9-194O-91-33:QL3Part5