Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/111

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PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 3433 "(E) INDIVIDUAL FARM PROGRAM ACREAGE. —Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c), the individual farm program acreage shall be the acreage planted on the farm to upland cotton for harvest within the permitted upland cotton acreage for the farm as established under this paragraph. "(F) PLANTING DESIGNATED CROPS ON REDUCED ACREAGE. — "(i) DEFINITION OF DESIGNATED CROP. —As used in this subparagraph, the term 'designated crop' means a crop defined in section 504(b)(l), excluding any program crop as defined in section 502(3). "(ii) IN GENERAL.— Subject to clause (iii), the Secretary may permit producers on a farm to plant a designated crop on no more than one-half of the reduced acreage on the farm. "(iii) LIMITATIONS. — If the producers on a farm elect to plant a designated crop on reduced acreage under this subparagraph— "(I) the amount of the deficiency payment that the producers are otherwise eligible to receive under subsection (c) shall be reduced, for each acre (or portion thereof) that is planted to the designated crop, by an amount equal to the deficiency payment that would be made with respect to a number of acres of the crop that the Secretary considers appropriate, except that if the producers on the farm are participating in a program established for more than one program crop, the amount of the reduction shall be determined by prorating the reduction based on the acreage planted or considered planted on the farm to £dl of such program crops; and "(II) the Secretary shall ensure that reductions in deficiency payments under subclause (I) are sufficient to ensure that this subparagraph will result in no additional cost to the Commodity Credit Corporation. " (3) TARGETED OPTION PAYMENTS. — "(A) IN GENERAL.— Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the Secretary implements an acreage limitation program with respect to any of the 1991 through 1995 crops of upland cotton, the Secretary may make available to producers on a farm who do not receive payments under subsection (c)(l)(D) for such crop on the farm, adjustments in the level of deficiency payments that would otherwise be made available to the producers if the producers exercise the payment options provided in this paragraph. "(B) PAYMENT OPTIONS. —If the Secretary elects to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary shall make the payment options specified in subparagraphs (C) and (D) available to producers who agree to make adjustments in the quantity of acreage diverted from the production of upland cotton under an acreage limitation program in accordance with this paragraph. " (C) INCREASED ACREAGE LIMITATION OPTION.— " (i) INCREASE IN ESTABLISHED PRICE.— I f the Secretary elects to carry out this paragraph, a producer shall be