104 STAT. 3596 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 "(F) means to evaluate the economic costs and benefits of agricultural water quality protection practices, including source reduction practices. "(3) DEADLINE. —Local guidance materials shall be developed no later than two years after the date of enactment of this chapter and up-dated periodically, but not less than every two years. "(4) CONSULTATION. — The Secretary shall consult with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of the Interior, and relevant State agencies in developing guidance materials under this section to ensure that such materials contain accurate and up-to-date technical information on practices designed to protect water quedity. Technical "(c) PERSONNEL. —The Secretary shall designate the Soil Conservaassistance. ^JQ^ Service as the lead agency for purposes of providing technical assistance in connection with implementing this chapter, and shall assign such personnel from the Extension Service, Agricultural Research Service, and other agencies as are necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter. The Secretary may request the services of the State water quality agencies. State fish and wildlife agencies. State forestry agencies, or any other source deemed appropriate to assist in providing the technical assistance necessary for the development and implementation of the water quality protection plans. "(d) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. — No person shall be permitted to bring or pursue any claim or action against any official or entity based upon or resulting from any technical assistance provided to assist in complying with State or Federal environmental laws under subsection (b)(1) of this section. 16 USC 3838e. "SEC.1238E. DEMONSTRATION AND PILOT PROGRAMS. "(a) DEMONSTRATION AND MODEL FARM PROGRAMS. — To the extent practicable and consistent with the requirements of the program established under this chapter and the priority described in section 1238C(b), the Secretary may enter into contracts under this chapter with owners and operators to facilitate the participation by such owners or operators in demonstration or model farm programs that are sponsored by governmental or private nonprofit entities and are designed to provide education on, disseminate information about, and demonstrate the practical application of ^ricultural production practices that reduce the potential for contamination or degradation of surface water or ground water while emphasizing practices that enhance profitability and productivity. "(b) PILOT PROGRAMS. — To complement and enhance the effectiveness of the program established under this chapter, the Secretary may establish pilot programs, for implementation in areas determined to be priority areas under section 1238C(b), that shall be designed to provide sissistance to address a wide range of farming operations and production conditions that enhance the efficient use of farm inputs and reduce waste.". 16 USC 3838f. "SEC. 1238F. REPORT TO CONGRESS. "Not later than September 30, 1992, the Secretary shall provide to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate an interim report describing the degree of participation in the planning process and program established in this subtitle, including the number of plans that have been prepared, information