PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 3605 " (b) WETLAND AND WiLDLIFE HABITAT PROTECTION GUIDELINES. — "(1) DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL GUIDES. —Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this section each State technical committee shall develop technical guides for the implementation of the wetland preservation and wildlife habitat improvement options of the agricultural water quality protection program under section 1238B. "(2) CONTENT OF GUIDES. — "(A) IN GENERAL.—The technical guides required under this subsection shall include detailed information on the selection of crops and crop-plant varieties, cover crops, rotation practices, tillage systems, nutrient management, biological control practices (including biologically intensive integrated pest management practices), soil, water, and natural resource conservation, and other practices useful in developing practices pursuant to such option. "(B) STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONS. —The technical guides required under subsection (a) shall provide standards and practical instructions for implementation of wetland protection and wildlife habitat improvement practices based on existing scientific and technical knowledge. "(C) CONTRACTS. — The Secretary may enter into contracts to assist in the development and periodic revision of the technical guides described in this subsection. "(c) OTHER DUTIES.— Each technical committee shall provide Technical assistance and offer recommendations with respect to the technical assistance. aspects of— "(1) wetland protection, restoration, gmd mitigation requirements; "(2) criteria to be used in evaluating bids for enrollment of environmentally-sensitive lands in the conservation reserve program; "(3) guidelines for haying or grazing and the control of weeds to protect nesting wildlife on set-aside acreage; "(4) highly erodible lands exemptions and appeals; "(5) wetland and conservation compliance exemptions and appeals; "(6) addressing common weed and pest problems and programs to control weeds and pests found on acreage enrolled in the conservation reserve program; "(7) guidelines for planting perennial cover for water quality and wildlife habitat improvement on set-aside lands; and "(8) other matters determined appropriate by the Secretary. "(d) AUTHORITY. —Each Committee established under section 1261 is advisory and shall have no implementation or enforcement authority. However, the Secretary shall give strong consideration to the recommendations of such Committees in administering the programs under this title, and to the factual, technical, or scientific findings and recommendations under the Committee's responsibility. ". SEC.1447. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (a) FOOD SECURITY ACT.— Subtitle D of title XII of such Act (16 U.S.C. 3831 et seq.) as such subtitle existed prior to the date of enactment of this Act, is amended by strilang the term "this 16 USC subtitle" each place that such term occurs and inserting "this 3831-3836. subchapter".