PUBLIC LAW 101-625—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 4163 (A) a request for a planning grant, specifying the activities proposed to be carried out, the schedule for completing the activities, the personnel necessary to complete the activities, and the amount of the grant requested; (B) a description of the applicant and a statement of its qualifications; (C) identification and description of the eligible property involved, and a description of the composition of the tenants, including family size and income; (D) a certification by the public official responsible for submitting the comprehensive housing affordability strategy under section 105 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act that the proposed activities are consistent with the approved housing strategy of the State or unit of general local government within which the project is located (or, during the first 12 months after enactment of this Act, that the application is consistent with such other existing State or local housing plan or strategy that the Secretary shall determine to be appropriate); and (E) a certification that the applicant will comply with the requirements of the Fair Housing Act, title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and will affirmatively further fair housing. (d) SELECTION CRITERIA.— The Secretary shall, by regulation, Regulations, establish selection criteria for a national competition for assistance under this section, which shall include— (1) the qualifications or potential capabilities of the applicant; (2) the extent of tenant interest in the development of a homeownership program for the property; (3) the potential of the applicant for developing a successful and affordable homeownership program and the suitability of the property for homeownership; (4) national geographic diversity among housing for which applicants are selected to receive assistance; and (5) such other factors that the Secretary shall require that (in the determination of the Secretary) are appropriate for purposes of carr3ring out the program established by this subtitle in an effective and efficient manner. SEC. 423. IMPLEMENTATION GRANTS. (a) GRANTS.— The Secretary is authorized to make implementation grants to applicants for the purpose of carrying out homeownership programs approved under this subtitle. (b) ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES.— Implementation grants may be used for activities to carry out homeownership programs (including programs for cooperative ownership), including the following activities: (1) Architectural and engineering work, (2) Acquisition of the eligible property for the purpose of transferring ownership to eligible families in accordance with a homeownership program that meets the requirements under this subtitle. (3) Rehabilitation of any property covered by the homeownership program, in accordance with standards established by the Secretary. 42 USC 12873.