Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/298

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104 STAT. 4688 PUBLIC LAW 101-645—NOV. 29, 1990 ities. The repayment of any outstanding debt owed on a loan made to purchase an existing structure shall be considered to be a cost of acquisition eligible for a grant under this paragraph if the structure was not used as permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities prior to the receipt of assistance. "(2) A grant for moderate rehabilitation of an existing structure for use as permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities. "(3) A grant, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, for the new construction of a structure for use in the provision of supportive housing. "(4) Annual payments for operating costs for permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities (including permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities that is newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act), not to exceed 75 percent of the annual operating costs of such housing, and any recipient may reapply for such assistance or for the renewal of such assistance for use during the 10- year period under subsection (d) (unless such assistance is no longer necessary, in the determination of the Secretary). "(5) Technical assistance in— "(A) establishing permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities in an existing structure; "(B) operating permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities in existing structures and in structures

that are newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act; and "(C) providing supportive services to the residents of permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities (including permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities that is newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act). " (d) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. — "(1) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS. —A grantee may approve assistance for any project under this section only if the project sponsor has agreed— "(A) to operate the proposed project as permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities for not less than 10 years, except that in the case of projects not receiving a grant under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection (c), assurances under this subparagraph shall be made annually that the project will be operated for the purpose specified in the application for such year; "(B) to conduct an ongoing assessment of the supportive services required by the residents of the project; "(C) to provide such residential supervision as the Secretary determines is necessary to facilitate the adequate provision of supportive services to the residents of the project; and "(D) to comply with such other terms and conditions as the Secretary or grantee may establish for purposes of carrying out this program in an effective and efficient manner. "(2) STATE PARTICIPATION. —Each grantee providing assistance to a project under this section shall transmit to the Secretary a letter of participation from the State assuring that the State