Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/378

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104 STAT. 4768 PUBLIC LAW 101-646—NOV. 29, 1990 "(B) the principal pathways by which aquatic nuisance species are introduced and dispersed; "(C) possible methods for the prevention, monitoring and control of aquatic nuisance species; and ' "(D) the assessment of the effectiveness of prevention, monitoring and control methods. "(2) PROTOCOL.—Within 90 days of the date of enactment of this Act, the Task Force shall establish and follow a protocol to ensure, that research activities carried out under this subtitle do not result in the introduction of aquatic nuisance species to waters of the United States. "(3) GRANTS FOR RESEARCH,—The Task Force shall allocate funds authorized under this Act for competitive research grants to study all aspects of aquatic nuisance species, which shall be administered through the National Sea Grant College Program and the Cooperative Fishery and Wildlife Research Units. Grants shall be conditioned to ensure that any recipient of funds follows the protocol established under paragraph (2) of this subsection. "(g) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. —The Task Force shall, within the program developed under subsection (a), provide technical assistance to State and local governments and persons to minimize the environmental, public health, and safety risks associated with aquatic nuisance species, including an early warning system for advance notice of possible infestations and appropriate responses. "(h) EDUCATION.—The Task Force shall, with the program developed under subsection (a), establish and implement educational programs through Sea Grant Marine Advisory Services and any other available resources that it determines to be appropriate to inform the general public. State governments, governments of political subdivisions of States, and industrial and recreational users of aquatic resources in connection with matters concerning the identification of aquatic nuisance species, and control methods for such species, including the prevention of the further distribution of such species. " (i) ZEBRA MUSSEL DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Task Force shall, within the program developed under subsection (a), undertake a program of prevention, monitoring, control, education and research for the zebra mussel to be implemented in the Great Lakes and any other waters of the United States infested or likely to become infested by the zebra mussel, including— "(A) research and development concerning the species life history, environmental tolerances and impacts on fisheries and other ecosystem components, and the efficacy of control mechanisms and means of avoiding or minimizing impacts; "(B) tracking the dispersal of the species and establishment of an early warning system to alert likely areas of future infestations; "(C) development of control plans in coordination with regional. State and local entities; and (D) provision of technical assistance to regional. State and local entities to carry out this section. "(2) PUBLIC FACILITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.— The Assistant Secretary, in consultation with the Task Force, shall develop a program of research and technology development for the environmentally sound control of zebra mussels in and