Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/903

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PROCLAMATION 6142—MAY 25, 1990 104 STAT. 5293 (2) by deleting U.S. note 5 to such subchapter and renumbering U.S. notes 1, 2, 3, and 4 to such subchapter as U.S. notes 2, 4, 5, and 6, respectively, and by substituting "subheading" for "heading" and "subheadings" for "headings" at each occurrence in such notes. (3) by inserting new U.S. notes 1, 3 and 7 to such subchapter, in numeric sequence, as follows: "1. This subchapter contains the temporary modifications of the provisions of the tariff schedule established pursuant to the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement. Unless the context otherwise requires, goods originating in the territory of Canada described in the provisions of this subchapter, for which a rate of duty followed by the symbol "(CA)" is herein provided, are subject to duty at the rate set forth in lieu of the rate provided therefor in chapters 1 through 98. No other preferential tariff treatment provided under general note 3(c) to the tariff schedule shall be afforded under the provisions of this subchapter. Unless otherwise provided, the provisions and notes of this subchapter are effective as to such goods, under general note 3(c)(vii) to the tariff schedule, through the close of December 31, 1998, on which date this subchapter shall be deleted from the tariff schedule and shall cease to apply to any goods entered after that date. 3. On or after January 1 of each of the following years, the percentage set forth in the "Special" subcolumn of the rates of duty 1 column for subheading 9905.00.30 which is applicable to goods originating in the territory of Canada shall be modified as follows: 1991 1992 40 percent 20 percent 7. Whenever a fabric is entered under subheading 9905.00.30, the importer shall file with the appropriate Customs officer a written statement, accompanied by such supporting documentation as the Commissioner of Customs may require, stating that the imported fabric is intended for use as outer covering in the manufacture of upholstered fiu'niture." (4) by indenting the article descriptions of headings 9905.00.00, 9905.00.10 and 9905.00.20 at the same level of indentation as the article description of subheading 9904.30.50; by inserting the following new superior text immediately preceding such provisions: "Goods originating in the territory of Canada under general note 3(c)(vii) to the tariff schedule:"; and by striking out, from the rate of duty column 2 and from the "General" and the "Special" subcolumns of the rates of duty 1 column in each such provision as appropriate, the words "No change", along with any symbols in parentheses following such words in the "Special" subcolumn. (5) by deleting from subheading 9905.00.00 in the article description for such subheading "7416.00", " 8483.10", "8501.20", "8501.31", "8536.41", "85 39.10", "8539.21 ", "8 539.29", "8544.30", "9026.10, "9026.20", "9026.80", "9026.90 ", "9030.39", "9030.40", "9032.10", and "90 32.20"; and by deleting for such subheading in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn "U.S. note 3" and inserting in lieu thereof "U.S. note 5". (6] by inserting in numerical sequence in such subchapter the following HTS subheadings set forth in columnar format, and material in such columns is inserted in the columns of the HTS designated "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", and "Rates of Duty 1-Special", respectively: [Goods originating...:] ' "9905.00.30 Upholstery fabrics certified by the importer as intended for use as outer covering in the manufacture of upholstered furniture, provided for in the following provisions: 5208.39 5208.42 5208.49 5208.52 5208.53 5208.59 5209.31 5209.32 5209.39 5209.41 5209.43 5209.49 5209.51 5209.52 5209.59 5210.39 5210.49 5210.51 5210.59 5211.31 5211.32 5211.39 5211.41 5211.43 5211.49 5211.51 5211.52 5211.59 5407.10 5407.42 5407.43.20 5407.44 5407.52.20 5407.53.20 5407.54 5407.60.20 5407.72 5407.73.20 5407.74 5407.82 5407.83 5407.84 5407.92.20 5407.94.20 5408.22 5408.23.20 5408.24 5512.19 5512.99 5513.21 5513.23 5513.41 5514.21 5514.22 5514.23 5514.29