Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/113

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PUBLIC LAW 102-164—NOV. 15, 1991 105 STAT. 1065 such employee meets the eligibility requirements of this section and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. (3) REACHBACK PROVISIONS.— If an employee has exhausted that employee's rights to normal unemployment benefits under section 2(c) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act after February 28, 1991, but before November 17, 1991, such employee shall, for the purposes of the application of this section, be deemed to have exhausted such rights after November 17, 1991. ' ^ (c) LIMITATION ON PAYMENT. —Extended benefits under this section shall be payable for a maximum of 65 days of unemployment, including any extended benefits payable by reason of the application of the reachback provisions. TITLE VI—GUARANTEED STUDENT LOANS SEC. 601. CREDIT CHECKS; COSIGNERS. (a) FISL PROGRAM. — Section 427(a)(2)(A) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), hereafter in this title referred as "the Act", is amended to read as follows: "(A) is made without security and without endorsement, except that prior to making a loan insurable by the Secretary under this part a lender shall— "(i) obtain a credit report, from at least one national credit bureau organization, with respect to a loan applicant who will be at least 21 years of age as of July 1 of the award year for which assistance is being sought, for which the lender may charge the applicant an amount not to exceed the lesser of $25 or the actual cost of obtaining the credit report; and "(ii) require an applicant of the age specified in clause (i) who, in the judgment of the lender in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary, has an adverse credit history, to obtain a credit worthy cosigner in order to obtain the loan, provided that, for purposes of this clause, an insufficient or nonexistent credit history may not be considered to be an adverse credit history;". 03) GSL PROGRAM.— Section 428(b)(1) of the Act is amended— 20 USC 1078. (1) in subparagraph (U), by striking "and" at the end thereof; (2) in subparagraph (V), by striking the period at the end thereof and inserting a semicolon and "and"; and (3) by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: "(W) provides that prior to making a loan made, insured, or guaranteed under this part (other than a loan made in accordance with section 428C), a lender shall— "(i) obtain a credit report, from at least one national credit bureau organization, with respect to a loan applicant who will be at least 21 years of age as of July 1 of the award year for which assistance is being sought, for which the lender may charge the applicant an amount not to exceed the lesser of $25 or the actual cost of obtaining the credit report; and "(ii) require an applicant of the age specified in clause (i) who, in the judgment of the lender in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary, has an