Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/582

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105 STAT. 1534 PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 Effective date. (b) CONSTRUCTION WiTH FY91 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION.—The authorization provided in subsection (a) for the projects specified in such subsection shall take effect as of November 5, 1990, as if included in section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (division B of Public Law 101-510; 104 Stat. 1776). TITLE XXV—NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION INFRASTRUCTURE SEC. 2501. AUTHORIZED NATO CONSTRUCTION AND LAND ACQUISITION PROJECTS. The Secretary of Defense may make contributions for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Infrastructure program as provided in section 2806 of title 10, United States Code, in an amount not to exceed the sum of the amount authorized to be appropriated for this purpose in section 2502 and the amount collected from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a result of construction previously financed by the United States. SEC. 2502. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS, NATO. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1991, for contributions by the Secretary of Defense under section 2806 of title 10, United States Code, for the share of the United States of the cost of projects for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Infrastructure program as authorized by section 2501, in the amount of $225,000,000. TITLE XXVI—GUARD AND RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES SEC. 2601. AUTHORIZED GUARD AND RESERVE CONSTRUCTION AND LAND ACQUISITION PROJECTS. There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1991, for the costs of acquisition, architectural and engineering services, repair or renovation of improvements on real property, and construction of facilities for the Guard and Reserve Forces, and for contributions therefor, under chapter 133 of title 10, United States Code (including the cost of acquisition of land for those facilities), the following amounts: (1) For the Department of the Army— (A) for the Army National Guard of the United States, $210,745,000; and (B) for the Army Reserve, $106,507,000. (2) For the Department of the Navy, for the Naval and Marine Corps Reserve, $56,900,000. (3) For the Department of the Air Force— (A) for the Air National Guard of the United States, $218,760,000; and (B) for the Air Force Reserve, $20,800,000. SEC. 2602. AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECTS FOR WHICH FUNDS HAVE BEEN APPROPRIATED AND TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY TO CARRY OUT CERTAIN OTHER PROJECTS. (a) FISCAL YEAR 1991 PROJECTS. —Section 2601 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (division B of Public Law 101-510; 104 Stat. 1781) is amended—