Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/761

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PUBLIC LAW 102-229—DEC. 12, 1991 105 STAT. 1713 TITLE II—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 200. FINDING OF DIRE EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. —The Congress finds that— (a) the President has designated and requested the Congress to designate over $1,140,000,000 in 1991 international assistance funds to meet emergency needs in foreign lands; (b) natural disasters (including floods, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, freezes, and typhoons) have occurred in the United States and its territories causing loss of life, human suffering, loss of income, and property loss or damage with dire emergency financial situations; (c) since October 1990, there have been 44 presidentially- declared disasters and 89 disasters declared by the Secretary of Agriculture affecting every area of the Nation in almost every State for which Federal funds are not available to meet emergency needs, resulting in calls for the National Guard and other assistance; (d) as a consequence of these disasters, millions of acres of land are or were under water, millions of acres of farm land are not able to be planted, and highways, dams, roads, and bridges have not been repaired. Many of the people in communities, counties, States, and many private businesses have been dangerously affected, and the local authorities in many cases are unable to meet the financial costs; and (e) the combination of the effects of these conditions and the current recession constitutes a dire emergency situation (8,582,000 people are unemployed, total employment has declined by over 1,400,000 jobs in the last year, over 7,500 businesses are failing each month, and foreign purchases of United States land and companies are increasing) which will, if not corrected by increased production, necessitate the need for a Job Creation Bill similar to what was enacted in 1983. SEC. 201. No part of any appropriation contained in this joint resolution shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided herein. CONGRESSIONAL DESIGNATION OF EMERGENCY SEC. 202. Although the President has only designated portions of the funds in this joint resolution pertaining to the incremental costs of Desert Shield/Desert Storm and certain Federal Emergency Management Agency costs as "emergency requirements", the Congress believes that the same or higher priority should be given to helping American people recover from natural disasters and other emergency situations as has been given to foreign aid "emergency" needs. The Congress therefore designates all funds in Titles I and II of this joint resolution as "emergency requirements" for all purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. RESTRICTIONS ON ASSISTANCE FOR KENYA SEC. 203. (a) RESTRICTIONS. —None of the funds appropriated by this joint resolution or any other provision of law under the heading "Economic Support Fund" or "Foreign Military Financing Program" may be made available for Kenya unless the President