Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/201

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PUBLIC LAW 102-285—MAY 18, 1992 106 STAT. 169 tions shall be contributed to a national paleontologic data base; (D) geochronologic and isotonic investigations that (i) provide radiometric age dates for geologic-map units and (ii) fingerprint the geothermometry, geobarometiy, and alteration history of. geologic-map units, which investigations shall be contributed to a national geochronologic data base; (E) geophysical investigations that assist in delineating and mapping the physical characteristics and three-dimensional distribution of geologic materials and geologic structures, which investigations shall be contributed tea national geophysical-map data base; and (F) geochemical investigations and anal3^cal operations that characterize the msgor- and minor-element composition of geologic-map units, and that lead to the recognition of stable and anomalous geochemical signatures for geologic terrains, which investigations shall be contributed to a national geochemical-map data base. (3) A State geologic mapping component, whose objective shall be determining the geologic firamework of areas that the State geological surveys determine to be vital to the economic, social, or scientific welfare of individual States. Mapping prior- ^ ities shall be determined by multirepresentetional Stote panels and shall be integrated with national priorities. Federal funding for the State component shall be matehed on a one-to-one basis with non-Federal funds. (4) A geologic mapping education component, whose objective shall be— (A) to develop the academic programs that teach earthscience students the fundamental principles of geologic mapping and field analysis; and (B) to provide for broad education in geologic mapping and field analysis through support of field teaching institutes. Investigations conducted under the geologic mapping education component shall be integrated with the other mapping components of the geologic mapping program, and shall respond to priorities identified for those components. SEC. 5. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 43 USC 31d. (a) ESTABLISHMENT. —There shall be estebHshed a sixteen member geologic mapping advisory committee to advise the Director on planning and implementation of the geologic mapping program. The President shall appoint one representative each fi:t)m the President. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Within 90 days and with the advice and consultetion of the State Geological Surveys, the Secretary shall appoint to the advisory committee 2 representatives from the Survey (including the Chief Geologist, as Chsdrman), 4 representatives from the State geological surveys, 3 representatives from academia, and 3 representatives from the private sector. (b) DUTIES. —The advisory committee shall— (1) review and critique the draft implementation plan prepared by the Director pursuant to section 6;