PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1021 Public Law 102-367 102d Congress An Act To amend the Job Training Partnership Act to improve the delivery of services to Sept. 7, 1992 hard-to-serve youth and adults, and for other purposes. [H.R. 3033] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Job Training ' ^ ' Reform SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Amendments of 1992 This Act may be cited as the "Job Training Reform Amendments interof 1992". governmental SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 29^uSl501 The table of contents is as follows: ^°^- Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. TITLE I—JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Subtitle A—General Provisions Sec. 101. Declaration of policy and statement of purpose. Sec. 102. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 103. Definitions. Subtitle B—Service Delivery System Sec. 111. Establishment of service delivery areas. Sec. 112. Establishment of private industry council. Sec. 113. Job training plan. Sec. 114. Review andapproval of plan. Sec. 115. Performance standards. Sec. 116. Selection of service providers. Sec. 117. Limitation on certain costs. Sec. 118. Recapture and reallotment of unobligated funds under title II. Subtitle C—Additional State Responsibilities Sec. 121. Governor's coordination and special services plan. Sec. 122. State education coordination and grants. Sec. 123. Identification of additional imposed requirements. Sec. 124. State labor market information programs. Subtitle D—Program Requirements for Service Delivery System Sec. 131. General program requirements. Sec. 132. Benefits. Sec. 133. Labor standards. Sec. 134. Grievance procedure. Subtitle E—Federal and Fiscal Administrative Provisions Sec. 141. Prompt allocation of funds. Sec. 142. Fiscal controls; sanctions. Sec. 143. Reports, recordkeeping, and investigations. Sec. 144. Nondiscrimination. Sec. 145. Utilization of services and facilities. TITLE II—TRAINING SERVICES FOR THE DISADVANTAGED Sec. 201. Adult training program. Sec. 202. Adult training program allotment and allocation. Sec. 203. Adult training program eligibility and services. Sec. 204. Summer youth employment and training program.