PUBLIC LAW 102-367 —SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1055 "(2) SPECIAL RULE.— For the purposes of this section, the Secretary shall, as appropriate and to the extent practicable, exclude college students and members of the Armed Forces from the determination of the number of economically disadvantaged adults.". SEC. 203. ADULT TRAINING PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY AND SERVICES. Title II of the Act (as amended by the preceding sections) is further amended by adding at the end the following: "SEC. 203. ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES. 29 USC 1603. "(a) IN GENERAL,—Except as provided in subsection (c), an individual shall be eligible to participate in the program under this part only if such individual is— "(1) 22 years of age or older; and "(2) economically disadvantaged. "(b) HARD-TO-SERVE INDIVIDUALS.—Not less than 65 percent of the participants in the program under this part, other than participants served under section 204(d), in each service delivery area shall be individuals who are included in 1 or more of the following categories: "(1) Individuals who are basic skills deficient. "(2) Individuals who are school dropouts. "(3) Individuals who are recipients of cash welfare payments, including recipients under the JOBS program. "(4) Individuals who are offenders. "(5) Individuals with disabilities. "(6) Individuals who are homeless. "(7) Individuals who are in a category established under subsection (d). "(c) SPECIAL RULE.— Not more than 10 percent of participants in a program assisted under this part, other than participants served under section 204(d), in each service delivery area may be individuals who are not economically disadvantaged if such individuals are age 22 or older and within 1 or more categories of individuals who face serious barriers to employment. Such categories may include the categories described in subsection (b), or categories such as displaced homemakers, veterans, alcoholics, or addicts. "(d) ADDITIONAL CATEGORY.—^A service delivery area conducting a program assisted under this part may add one category of individuals who face serious barriers to employment to the categories of eligible individuals described in subsection (b) if— "(1) the service delivery area submits a request to the Governor identifying the additional category of individuals and justifying the inclusion of such category; "(2) the additional category of individuals is not solely comprised of— "(A) individuals with a poor work history; or "(B) individuals who are unemployed; and "(3) the Governor approves the request submitted under paragraph (1) and transmits a description of the approved request to the Secretary, as part of the Governor's coordination and special services plan under section 121. "SEC. 204. PROGRAM DESIGN. 29 USC 1604. "(a) ESSENTLVL ELEMENTS.—